Amy Wilde.

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AN-Nothing Much to say.

   Finally they were home and the kits were put to bed. The fox and bunny sat in the bed and looked eachother in the eye and Nick knew it was time.
   He had to tell Judy about his previous kit.
   "Alright Carrots. It began when I was 18..."
   Nick hesitated before continuing.
   "I met a vixen named Megan. She was beautiful and I fell in love with her. I was young and stupid to think think that. We were together for a month when she came to me and said she was pregnant. I promised her that I would help take care of it and that's what we did.
   We had a vixen we named Amy and I fell in love with her. God she was beautiful. And me and Megan were going taking care of her forever. That was until I found out she was..sleeping around with Joey. Joey was always jealous of me because of the money I was making and all that. He hated me.
   I found out about Megan and Joey and got mad, but I still loved Megan and told her that we could start over. But she didn't want that. She said that she couldn't have a kit at the age she was.
    So she left me with Amy. But I was fine. I was happy as long as she was with me. But I was young and didn't know what I was doing. I had friends coming over and they would leave drugs layin around. Joey still wanted nothing more than to get to me so...he called social services. They came and arrested me. They took Amy. And I was brought to jail. I was in the slammer for about a year. I got out and tried to find Amy. I wanted her back. But she was gone. I couldn't find her. It broke my heart and I had no one to turn to.
   When I found out that it was Horta fault the all happened i couldn't bare seeing him because If I had o would have killed him.
   I never understood what his problem was with me but it crossed the line when he took my daughter away from me. I never thought I could love anyone the same. Then you came into my left and gave me these beautiful kits. The pain of loosing Amy has leased drastically. But I still miss her."
   "What is the last thing you remember about her," Judy asked holding him.
   "Her first word was Daddy."
   Nick then grabbed Judy into a hug and tried to get ahold of himself. The last thing the fox wanted to do was cry.
   Judy wanted to help Nick but didn't know how to. Then something came to mind. If she was born when Nick was 18 she had to be at least 20. 
   "Nick I'm going to get a shower. I'll be back in a few minutes."
   "Ok Carrots."
   Ice Judy was in the bathroom she turned o the shower so Nick couldn't hear her talk.
   The phone rang for a while but someone finally picked it up.
   "Hey Johnny. Your in records tonight right?"
   "Yeah. Why?"
   "I need you help me find an Amy Wilde."

AN-Another Cliff hanger. Dang I'm good at this. Not much I can say till the next chapter.
Till Next Time...

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