Chapter 2

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Dominic got back home just two days after he left to get his things, so now he is official living with me and my family.

Making it back just in time for my doctor appointment, we finally got to hear the heartbeat of our baby. It was so beautiful that I cried like a baby the entire ride home. The moment was just too precious for words and one that we will always remember.

Also, our injuries have healed exceptionally, though the inside of my wrist have been faintly scarred from the rope burns when I was bound to a cot. Dom had to tell me what happened since I didn't remember anything at all from the time Alex bashed me in the head. Everything from there was a blur.

Dom still hasn't told his parents he moved out, nor that he is having a kid and it's been a whole month since he has been in Rochester for good. They haven't even returned his calls or text, either something happened or they are just being complete jackholes.

That's right, jackholes.

I wish Dominic didn't care enough for them to want a response from them but unfortunately he does.

Thank God for therapy, which we still are in, though on the plus side we only have three more weeks to go and then we are finished. Since I don't really remember much of what happened I'm not exactly effected by my memories. Dom remembered every little detail, but surprisingly he doesn't show any signs of it effecting his everyday life. I guess the therapist thinks so too since we will be done with her soon.

She is actually making everything better for him, especially with his parents, sometimes I think it effects me more than it doesn't him. Most likely because he is the love of my life and I can't stand to see my love ones hurt.

But I'm just gonna have to let it go because they're damn sure not worth the energy or stress. Most definitely since I am pregnant and don't need to be wasting that on them. Instead I need to be well so my baby can grow healthy and our little bugger has been doing just that.

Just by one quick glance it is evident that I am pregnant I now have a full on baby bump at almost 14 weeks. I actually started tonotice it in my 12th week but it has grown a little bigger since than, right up there with my breasts. Dom can't keep his hands off of my belly, he is always kissing it and cooing at it whenever he's near me. It's so adorable.

Same thing goes with my breasts, I mean not all the time but when we're intimate those are his go to and I must say, sex has been amazing. I mean I thought it was better before now its just... Oh my God!

And the hormones don't help any, they just want us doing it 24/7! It doesn't matter where we are or what we are doing, they just want it done there and now.

I can't count how many times we've done it at school in the last week! I just can't get enough of him, his voice and laugh really turns me on to the point where I just can't take it. I even asked Dr. Lacey about it when we went to my ultrasound a couple of days ago and she said it was completely normal.

So, until my hormones cool down, public places are a big no-no which makes me wonder why we are at Olive Garden right now with all of our friends. Yes, I took them back since it wasn't food poison I was throwing up from.

Ian and Brook sat in the corner of the booth wrapped in their own little bubble as Kade just sat quietly texting away on his phone. Earlier we were all engaged in conversation but drifted off slowly in the last few minutes.

"No, you are naming your baby after me and that is final." Slade smirked.

"But what if it's a girl?" Dom challenged, rubbing my growing belly as I snuggled closer to him in the booth. Our table is all the way in the back away from the door in one of the biggest booths here and the loudest table.

ComplicatedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora