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Six Years Later

The timer sounded off cauisng me to jump from my spot on the toilet seat lid. It feels like I had been in this bathroom for five hours instead of just five miuntes, but most of the time was taken up trying to get myself to do what I needed to do.

Walking over to the counter, my hands shook almost violently as I reached over to pick it up. Once I knew my hand was on the right end, I closed them and took a deep breath before opening to see what the result was.

"Dominic!" I screamed from the bathroom, going insane. "Oh my God!"

Although, I'm not sure why I was freaking out, I had been through this twice before now. By now it should feel like a routine to me. I was no where near foriegn to this situation and Dom and I knew exactly what we were getting ourselves into and with now out of college we will be able to do this right this time.

"What, what?!" He panicked, busting in our bathroom like the place was on fire. He had both of our twins, Lorenzo Dean and Ricardo James, on each hip looking like a chicken with his head cut off. Ricky and Enzo looked at me with weird expressions as I stood there cheesing like a Cheshire cat. "Babe, what is it?"

I all, but shoved my pregnancy stick in his face as his eyes widened in surprise. "Holy shit." He cried.

"Language!" I scolded him.

Ricky and Enzo were at that age now where they will repeat anything and everything that they hear and sometimes the things they repeated weren't always good. Not mention their faze in the terrible twos and this case its times two, they literally drive Dom and I insane, but we love them so much. Not mention how much they irritate their older brother Junior all the time.

"You're pregnant?" He chuckled. "How did that happened?" Dom asked me as Ricky reached for me, he is such a Momma's Boy.

Kissing him on top the head, I settled him on my hip. "I don't know." I told him sarcastically with a roll of my eyes.

"I mean, I know how it happened, but I thought you were on birth control?" He asked me suspiciously.

"I may have missed a few days." I told him quietly as he chuckled. "Are you mad?" I asked him, a little afraid of his reaction.

He shook his head. "Why would I be mad?"

I shurgged. "I don't know."

Walking further into our bathroom, he sat down on the toilet placing Enzo on one of his while pulling me and Ricky down on the other. "Kalahni, I love you and I love our little family, I am all for making it bigger." He smiled. "Just look at us, look around us.

He was right, my fears of him being mad about my pregnancy were dumb. I did as he said and looked around at our surrondings. We were doing good for someone our age with an early marrige and three kids with another on the way. Living in a huge house with enough rooms to have at least two more babies, we were doing great.

When Dom graduated last year he was already making hundreds of thousands off of college basketball, not to mention the money we already had saved up from our parents. But we didn't just want to live off of that money, we wanted to do something for ourselves. And with me in my last year of college for Pharmacist we were almost in a good place. Dom was currently still waiting on his dream, we hope and pray more than you can imagine that one day he will get the call he has been waiting for.

The call that will change his life forever.

"You're right." I told him, looking back over at him. "I was being silly."

"Mommy? Daddy?" We heard Junior call us as he walked in our bedroom and nearly walked past the bathroom door in search for us.

"Buddy!" Dom called to him. Junior stopped right away and followed his father's voice to us.

"Why are you guys in the bathroom?" He asked us with a giggle, coming to lean against my leg. It amazes me how big and how smart he is for his age. The doctor told us that he he is mostly likely going to be around Dominic's height before he is 18. Same goes for my little twin boys. They were way past the height range for their age as well. They were all the spitting image of the father except Ricky had hazel eyes like me instead of caramel ones like Enzo and Junior.

Dom shrugged. "Because Mommy is a weirdo."

"Hey!" I laughed, smacking his arm making Ricky and Enzo laugh at the two of us.

"But guess what, Junior?" Dom smiled down at our son before he smiled up at me. "Mommy is having another baby."

Junior eyes widened. "Really?!" He giggled again. "Are they going to come out like RJ and Enzo?" He asked in a very serious tone. "Because thy are more then I can handle." Making us laugh.

"Let's hope for one this time instead of two." I made a joke. Instead the truth was I didn't care how many came out, I would love them all just the same.

"I don't care if its an alien, I would love it with everything in me." Dom laughed.

I laughed with him and so did Junior. The twins were to young to even understand the joke. "An alien, Daddy?" Junior laughed harder. "You're an alien, Daddy."

I laughed as Dom cracked a smile. "If I'm alien then your an alien too because I helped make you."

Junior sobered up and looked at Dom. "How?"

Mentally face palm, he just opened up an unwanted can of worms. "Long story, son." Dom began as I stood up from his lap. "Just know that I had as much part in making you as Mommy did."

"Dominic!" I gasped.

We headed out of the bathroom together. "I want some ice cream." I craved out aloud.

"Me too." Junior said while the twins kept repeating the words ice cream over and over again.

Dom started running with a giggling Enzo on his hip which confused Junior and I which is why we stopped and just stared at him. "I'm going to eat it all." He chuckled evilly.

"No!" I took off with Ricky and Junior on my heels. "Run, Junior!"

We chased Dom all the way downstairs where we snuggled up together on our couch and proceeded into eating the entire carton on chocolate ice cream, a family favorite. While watching a movie as we laughed and loved together.

This is my family and I absolutely love how it came out. I wouldn't trade them for the world, but I surely would give up my world for them if I had too. I would go to infinity and beyond for them and I'm pretty sure they know it.

The End.


I have a spin-off to this series called Bashful! Check it out!!!!! You'll love it!!!


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