Chapter 25

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Over the past month Dom and I have certainly got over waking up to Junior cries, but I love waking up to care for him. Even though I pretty much suffer from lack of sleep, but between Dom and I it pretty much works out.

We take turns and that works out very well each of us usually get five to six straight hours of sleep each night.

I rolled over as my arm slapped across Dom's chest. The clock on the table read a little bit after six in the morning. It is now Dom's turn to get up with him. "I got him." He yawned, sitting up causing my arm to slide down his chest and my hand to land in his lap. "Whoa, there." He chuckled.

I giggled, sleepily as I rolled on my back looking up at Dom as he walked to Junior's crib and picked him up, cradling him in his arms trying to coo him into silence.

Admiring my view, I couldn't help but to smile.

Switching on the bedside lamp it lit up the semi dark room as Dom lifted Junior in his arms to smell his butt. Dom face contorted in disgust. "Whoa." He whispered harshly, trying to keep it down considering Jed, Ryder, and Hazel were still fast asleep in their bed next to ours.

Gently, Dom placed our son on the bed and proceeded into changing his diaper while I went to the mini fridge and grabbed a bottle to heat up on the bottle warmer. While the bottle heated I quickly skipped to the restroom.

By the time I came out of the bathroom, Dom was finished changing Junior's diaper and the bottle warmer had finished.

Damn, how long was I in there?

Pulling the bottle out, I tested it on the inside of my wrist before passing it to Dom who sat on the edge of the bed with Junior cradled in his arms. As Dom fed Junior, I laid back down in bed, cuddling up under the warm covers, watching the scene in front of me. Before I knew it my eyes closed and I fell back into a deep sleep.

The sounds a small soft, girlish giggles pulled me from my sleep. Opening my eyes, I rolled over to the most beautiful sight in my world.

Dominic asleep on his back with Junior snuggled under a blanket on his chest also asleep. I resisted the urge to coo over my too favorite men. In seconds I reached over and grabbed my phone off of the nightstand and snap several pictures of them before planting kisses on both of their foreheads.

So cute.

Sitting up I looked over to Ryder's bed to see her fast asleep but an awake Jed and Hazel laying together whispering and laughing about something. Checking the time on my phone, it read close to ten in the morning.

Leaving my men asleep I skipped to the bathroom, snatching my bag up on the way. In less than 20 minutes I brushed my teeth and showered, dressing in a pair of dark jean shorts and a loose red v neck top. Also pulling my red low top chucks out of my bag to go with it. I ran a towel through my wet hair as I just left it falling wavy down my back.

When I got out of the bathroom they were all still fast asleep except Hazel and Jed. So I called room service quick before giving Hazel a quick bath and dressing her in a pair red shorts and a matching white and red flower spaghetti strapped top. By the time I had gotten her dressed and lotioned up room service was knocking at the door.

Opening the hotel door, a young man with blonde hair and bluish green eyes pushed his way in with a cart filled with pancakes, eggs, sausage, a huge bowl fruit salad and a pitcher of orange juice. Tipping him a couple bucks he left but not before sending me a flirty wink, which I ignored.

I fixed Hazel a plate of food, cutting them up small enough for her to eat with her fingers.

Surprisingly, Dom, Junior, and Ryder were all still sleep while Jed headed for a shower before eating. I ate at the table with Hazel as we waited for everyone to come from their dream lands. Nearly on my last bite, I had suddenly heard Junior beginning to fuss, so I ran over to the bed and quickly grabbed him from Dom's chest, careful not to wake up his sleeping daddy.

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