Chapter 6

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An hour after Brad packed his shit and left, leaving everyone speechless with the whole situation. We all sat in the den with nothing to say as Ronnie eventually cried herself to sleep on Nico's lap as he held her close, in protection. It took a lot to calm him down after Brad left, as soon as he seen Ronnie's swollen eye he nearly lost again and almost took off after him. Not to mention her many bruises covering her once healthy abdomen where she said he kicked and punched her repeated. He thought that she was cheating on him while he was back in Iowa. She said he found a text on her phone from one of her guys friends and accused her of sneaking around with him.

As soon as Jose collected all his feelings about the fact that his daughter was being abused he wanted to call and report it to the authorities but since Nico and I got a few licks in he thought better not to.


It's been weeks since the incident, Ronnie and her family have been long gone back home. She has been going to therapy for the few weeks, trying to work through that traumatic period. As far as I know Brad has not tried pressing charges or contacted Ronnie in any kind of way since. She even deleted him from her Facebook profile, changed her number and deleted his contact. Even though he isn't allowed to talk to her in anyway he didn't even have the decency to apologize for treating her in such a manor.

School was back in full swing, I was back to walking down the halls being lead by my oversized belly while everyone stopped to look. The staring doesn't bother me much but the rumors people make up sometimes piss me off. Like, one time when I heard a rumor that I got raped by my uncle and forced to move across the country to live with my cousin, Dominic in protection.

People can be so ridiculous but I just try not to pay attention to gossip, I don't know them, I don't have to explain anything to them.

"Ryder!" I called after her as she ran towards her mother's car as she waited for her in front of the building. School just let out and just like she did everyday since we got back from Christmas break, she took off running for her mom's car.

She turned around to face me. "Hey, we're all getting together for the movies." I began, cross my arms over my chest, shivering from the cold air as cool breeze passed by me. "You wanna come with?" I asked, her.

"I can't. I'm still grounded." She pouted, gesturing back to her mom behind her.

Damn, what the hell did she do, she's been grounded for more than two weeks now.

"Aww." I sighed in disappointment. "Next time, then." I shrugged.

"Definitely." She smiled before turning away and heading back to her mom's car. "Bye, see you Monday." She called over her shoulder.

Kia approached me from behind. "She still dodging us?"

I frowned. "Yeah, and it better be for a good reason too."

"Right." Kia sassed. "See you tonight...?" She trailed off backing away, going towards the parking lot.

I nodded. "Bye."

Now, that Dom finally tried out for our school's team he is now most likely getting ready for basketball practice. Luckily, the coach let him try out even though the season had already started over awhile ago. Dom fell right back into the sports' routine, playing as well as before or not, better. At first numerous guys on the team were giving him a hard time but once they seen how good my baby was the laid off, except for one player, Jed Novac.

I've seen him around but he hasn't really been in the spotlight when I first arrived considering the season hadn't even started. He thinks he owns basketball, the sport, not just the school team.

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