Chapter 8

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She sighed. "Remember how I told you I lived in Utah up until my junior year.?" She quizzed, I nodded, signalling her to continue. "Well, during the end of my sophomore year I met a guy at a party. Axel Beck. He was a nineteen year old drop out when I first met him, meanwhile I was only fifteen. His exotic grayish blue eyes had me hypnotized from the start." She continued. "We went on a few dates before he asked me to be his girlfriend. At that time I was so head over heels in love, I would jump in front of a bullet for him." She chuckled, humorlessly.

Making a left turn, I continued driving as I listened to her speak.

"We dated for a couple months and everything was going great until he started hanging around his old friends from high school. They were complete druggies, I tried convincing him to ditch them and go back to school to earn his diploma but he just got defensive, every time I brought the subject up he would shut me out. So, I just stopped trying to encourage him. That's when things went from bad to worse. He started showing up to my house and on our dates high and drunk off his ass to points where he couldn't form a coherent sentence." She shook her head as if reliving the incidents. "One night when my parents where working late he came to my house completely shit faced. He demanded to know why I'd been avoiding him lately and I told him it was because he's been fucked up so much and I didn't feel like being around an addict. That was the first time he has ever hit me." She sniffed, from the corner of my eye I seen her wipe her face angrily.

"Oh my God." I gasped.

"Ever since then he would beat me everyday. Even when I wouldn't do anything wrong, he would hit me just because."

"You didn't try to leave him?" I asked, pulling into the hospital parking lot.

"I tried breaking up with him once but he told if I ever left him that he would kill me and everyone I ever loved. So I stayed with him until one night he showed up after school when he knew my parents would be at work. It was no surprise that he was wasted but I had to let him in, I was deathly afraid of what he might do to me."

Swallowing nervously, I struggled to keep my eyes on driving as I looked around for a parking spot.

"As soon as I let him in I lead him to the den on the couch where I was watching a movie before he came. He began getting extremely touchy, feeling all over me as I kept telling him to stop, he got upset and hit me off the couch onto the floor. I used that advantage to run up to my room, going for my cellphone to call for help. But he was quick for a wasted guy." She laughed without humor as I pulled into an open parking spot. I turned off the car and we sat there, in the car as she continued her story." He got to me before I could close my door and threw me on my bed..." She trailed off.

"He didn't..." I trailed off, wishing away her pain.

She nodded her head softly as a few tears escaped her eyes. "He did, he r-raped me..." She whispered as I couldn't take it anymore, I reached over the console and brought her into a hug.

"I'm so sorry, Ryder." I broke into tears trying to comfort her when I couldn't even comfort myself. She pulled back to look at me, shaking her head.

"It's okay now." She smiled sadly, wiping at her tear streaked face. "I've been in therapy for a while now."

I looked at her incredulous. "It's still not okay, you did absolutely nothing to deserve that." I sniffed.

Ignoring my comment, she finished. "After he raped me, he left. As soon as my mom came home I told her everything about everything, since the day I met him. She insisted we moved, and we did, here and I haven't seen Axel since." Suddenly her phone beeped as she looked at it, reading a text before putting it back in her pocket. "Come on."

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