Chapter 17

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The car ride home from the airport was excruciatingly awkward.

I haven't spoken much since that night Kade kissed me on the beach, Dominic knew something was up.

Now, Dom's pissed at me for not voicing my feelings but I didn't want to tell him what happened until Kade was safe out of Dom's reach.

No one spoke as we sat in agonizing silence most likely feeling the tension between Dom and I.

"So, how was the trip?" Dean asked us all but not a soul spoke, so I spoke for everyone.

Mom sent Dean to pick us up from the airport, not that I had a problem with it. He was just the only person who could get out of work taking in account with him being the boss.

"Colorful." I nodded.

And that was all that was communicated between the airport and the ride home.

Walking up the driveway when we finally reached our house everyone seemed a bit antsy which I just thought was from the car ride home. Being the first to the front door I unlocked it prior walking through the door. I wanted nothing more than to kick my feet up on the couch and watch my favorite TV programs.

"Surprise!" My mom and Ryder's mom screamed together as soon as I stepped foot in the living room.

"Oh my God!" I screeched, throwing a hand over my heart in fright.

Looking around I now notice what they were screaming for.

Blue, white, and black streamers spiralled from the chandelier reaching every corner of the rooms as a 'It's A Boy' banner hung right over the fire place just under the TV hanging on the wall. Light blue balloon hung everywhere while some were scattered across the floor.

Presents in baby blue wrapping paper sat piled high on the coffee table next to a table filled with a big crystal glass bowl of punch and then one with chips next to a tower of probably a zillion chocolate and vanilla baby blue icing cupcakes. All of it set under a white table cloth laced in black with little baby blue pacifiers patterned in every single inch.

My jaw dropped in amazement at what these three have done because I'm pretty sure Dean had some part in putting up the streamers and balloons. Silence filled the room as all of my friends where at lost for words as myself.

Tears swept my cheeks. "Oh my God!" I cried.

My mom rushed to my side. "Aww, honey. I'm sorry." She apologized rubbing comforting circles in my back. "I know you hate surprises."

I shook my head. "No, I love it." I spoke as she wiped at my tears.

She chuckled. "These are happy tears?" She asked, smiling. I nodded frantically. She held her arms up in a field goal motion. "They're happy tears!" She cheered.

On que, Ryder's mom, Harley came up to me smiling, placing a baby blue boa around my neck and a tiara stuck with jewels to match the boa.

Now I know why Ronnie demanded I wear something decent home as I stood there in my white shorts and a black tank top matching it with my black and white chucks. Thank God I decided to straight my hair to the T, so it flowed down my back.

As the party started up in a full swing the awkwardness from before wore off efficiently. Even though I was nearly dead off my feet, I really enjoyed myself. After my meltdown my mom handed every single person a cloths pin to clip to there shirt as we began the game 'Don't Say Baby'. Who ever says the word 'baby' gets their pin taken away making them out of the game. And whoever has the most pins by the end of the game wins.

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