Chapter 23

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My baby boy is three weeks old today.

I can't believe three weeks ago I gave birth to my little baby boy.

I love him so much.

He could not be more perfect.

Three weeks is also the same amount of time that I last seen Ronnie. The day I brought my son home was the day that Nico told her about Joanna being pregnant with his baby. She got so upset that she wouldn't speak or even look his way and when the next morning came she asked Dom to take her to the airport because she booked a flight home. I was really sad to see her go but I knew she was broken hearted and couldn't stand being around the guy she's in love with and the girl that is having his baby.

Ronnie apologized for not being able to spend more time with Junior but promised to make it up. I still talk to her, everyday. That will never change. But she calls one less person too. Nico, who can't stand not talking to Ronnie. Especially, since she was in that abusive relationship with Brad and wants to keeps tabs on her, but now her can't. She doesn't answer his text or calls. Ever.

"What about this one?" Ryder asked me as she picked up a blue jean overall set.

I shook my head in disapproval while she signed in defeat, putting it back. Probably because we've been at the mall for almost two hours and have been shopping in this baby store forever and I still couldn't decide what outfit I wanted to get for Junior to wear to Ian's going away dinner tonight. He decided to take a few weeks out of summer to visit his family in London. He really didn't want to leave because he didn't want to be away from Brooklyn but she told him he should still go.

Ryder had already picked out Hazel's outfit which was a pretty lavender spaghetti strapped dress. It had white flowers near the bottom as it hung just below her knees. It was beautiful. But unlike Ryder I was being more indecisive about what I wanted my son to wear. I know it's not all that serious but I just can't seem to decide.

Pushing Junior's stroller through the store Ryder followed behind me with Hazel in her stroller, sound asleep. Peaking inside the sun visor of Junior's car seat that was attached to the stroller I seen he is also fast asleep.

"Oh my God! Look at this one!" Rushing over to the one I seen, careful not to run onto anything, Ryder followed trying to keep up. I picked up a pair of new born khaki shorts and a light blue button up short sleeve shirt that had a snap on blue and green tie.

"That is so cute!" Ryder gasped.

"Okay, let's pay because I'm freaking hungry."

Arriving at the cashier's counter, there was an older lady standing behind it smiling at us. I set our clothing items on the counter for her to ring up. "Hello, did you find everything okay?"

I nodded. "Yes, we did. Thank you."

"Good." She smiled as she leaned over the counter and peaked at Dominic sleeping in his car seat. "And who do we have here?"

I beamed. "This is Dominic."

"Your brother?" She asked.

"Nope, my son." I said simply.

"Oh." She said looking disappointed in me.

Who the hell does she think she is? My grandmother...

I rolled my eyes at her.

"I don't have to explain anything to you lady." I sassed. "Just do your job and ring up my stuff."

She looked taken aback while I just simply smile up at her. The things on the counter, she rung them up quickly, probably in a hurry to get us out of the store. Which was fine with me, she is acting like a complete ass.

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