Chapter 19

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"Who knew we'd be here and I'd pregnant with your baby." I smiled, adjusting the tie around Dom's neck.

"I know." He smirked, rubbing my belly.

We're both more the anxious to meet our little guy, especially with my due date a couple weeks away. Almost a month ago we celebrated Hazel's birthday but today we were celebrating the rest of our lives with Graduation.

That's right, today we are Graduated high school.

Standing on my tip toes, I folded his collar over his neck tie. My eyebrows knotted together in confusion as I looked down at my heels, yup same shoes.

"Did you grow a few? I asked.

He smirked. "Maybe you shrunk a few."

I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Knock, knock." Nico smiled peaking in. "You two ready?"

"More than." I smiled up at him.

He beamed. "I can't believe my baby sis is pregnant and graduating high school."

"Where you just ease dropping on us?" Dom asked him, laughing.

"Maybe." He chuckled. "But still... I would have never pictured it."

I shrugged. "I know what you mean. If someone would have told me I'd be pregnant at 18, I would have laughed them all the way to a psych ward."

"Definitely." Dom nodded. "Twenty years old and I'm having a baby, I never seen it coming."

"What about me?" Nico smiled. "My first kid, on the way..." He trailed off, looking for conformation.

Inhaling deep, letting it out slowly. "Right..."

Just a couple of weeks ago Dom and Nico celebrated their 20th and 22nd birthday together in one party. We decided to ditch Prom and throw a party instead, which more than half of the school showed up claiming that the Prom was a dud and booze free.

It's the middle of June, also know as Graduation Day to all of Minnesota's high school seniors. Ours lives are definitely in motion as Dom has got a full basketball scholarship to The University of Minnesota, just a half an hour drive from here. He decided to study for his Bachelor's in finance, just like Nico, in case his basketball career doesn't work out he will be working his way up in my dad's company.

So, while Dominic is in class I will be home with our baby. Which is fine with me considering I took that CFS program and successfully passed so now I am a certified Pharmacy Technician. A job where I can make pretty decent money until Junior gets old enough to have a babysitter.

We all know what we want to do and life can't get better than this.

But not only is Minnesota's high school senior graduating this week bit also Minnesota's college senior, one of them being my big brother. Tomorrow just happens to be his first day of the rest of his life. Starting fall he well be working his way up to owning and running our dad's business.

Our graduation ceremony passed slowly as there were over 300 seniors in our school alone graduating today, babies cried while students fell asleep. With my last name beginning with a T, it took them a while to get to me, it very thing in me not to doze off. The moment I walked across that stage I instantly felt like a new person, an accomplished person who felt like they could take on the world. Even then I couldn't miss the huge roar of cheers I got from my mom, Dean, Nico, and Harley who held a giddy Hazel on her lap.

Just like Dom and I, the remainder of our friends accepted Hazel with open arms, right after they calmed down about finding Axel Beck and beating the shit out of him. Kia was the only one hurt by the fact that Ryder chose me to share this information with first instead of her considering they knew each other longer.

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