Chapter 20

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"When he is going to come out?" I whined, pouting as I looked down at my overly swollen feet. It's been a whole week over my due date and Dominic Jr. still has shown any signs of wanting to come out. Everything hurts, I can't sleep at night because I'm too uncomfortable and anxious as is Junior which is why he choose night time to kick and move around.

"That's thing about child birth, babies come out when they want." Dr. Lacey smiled.

"This sucks." I groaned. "Doesn't he want to come out and meet mommy and daddy."

"Well, maybe you made a nice little place for him inside your belly that he just doesn't want to come out." Dom smirked.

"Shut up!" I giggled, slapping his shoulder.

"But if your water doesn't break in the next few days, then we'll have to induce you and break it manually."

I flinched. "That sounds... painful."


"Thank you, for not lying about it." I chuckled as Dom helped me from the bench. Stepping foot on the ground, I straight out my white strapless summer dress. "Hopefully, we will see you in the next day or two, in labor or if we're lucky, tonight."

"Wishful thinking." Dom muttered while I my thin brown belt I placed right underneath my breast and just above my belly.

Dr. Lacey laughed. "I'll see you two soon."

Today just happened to be the Fourth of July and my mom's job is having a company picnic at the park where they will be shooting fireworks off later tonight. I invited everyone who came to mind, including Ryder, her mom, and daughter. Also Jed, who said he was bringing a few people one includes his cousin and a few of his cousin's friends.

Finally, we made it to the park only to see it filled with many families with many children. As soon as we spotted mom and Dean within a group of adults with their wives, husbands and children we proceeded towards them.

I noticed Ryder playing with Slade and right when she noticed me to smiled and ran my way.

"La-La!" She screamed, running to me with open arms.

"Hey, baby girl." I bent down to swoop her up in my arms. Luckily she wasn't over my weight range that I was aloud to pick up because she was just so darn cute, I couldn't help but snuggle her into my chest. "Where's mommy?"

"Eating with Jed."

"Really?" I smirked at the fact that since the trip to Maui, every time I see Jed, I see Ryder and vice versa. They are always together which makes me believe that have a little thing for each other, maybe.

"Mm hmm." She nodded, smiling.

"I'm gonna go get some food." Dom whispered in my ear before kissing the side of my head and then just for fun, he slapped my ass.

"You-" I gasped, remembering I'm holding a two year old in my arms. Walking away he sent a flirty wink over his shoulder. Rolling my eyes I went up to my mom and Dean to say hi. "Sup, rents?"

Dean eyes widened for a split second before composing his face with a smile as we all fell onto small talk while Hazel wiggled against me, wanting down, so I complied. Softly setting her on her feet she took off towards Slade and Kia, sitting in the grass.

Making my rounds I chatted up with all of my friends, making sure they seen me considering I did invited them here.

Taking a seat next to Dom at the picnic table with Jed and Ryder, I stole one of his baby ribs from his plate. "You gonna pay me back for that?!" He cried, protecting the rest of his food as he hovered his arms over his plate, covering his food so I couldn't grab anymore.

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