Chapter 16

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The next few days in Maui were exceptionally better considering that same night Joanna took her stuff from our room was the same night she left back home. It's also the same night Nico broke up with her which he told me the next morning.

Ronnie still hasn't spoken to Nico since the incident and as far as I know she doesn't plan on it anytime soon. Nico has been begging and asking for her every since the morning after but she doesn't even want to see him let alone speak to him.

"Kalahni, look!" Kade exclaimed pointing towards the front of the room.

"Oh my God, Kia!" I giggled. "Look at our boyfriends."

Kia turned to where I pointing and bust out laughing as she watched her boyfriend dancing on stage with the hula girls trying to mimic their movements who had just been joined by Nico. "Holy shit." She gasped.

Slade and Dom had just been sitting with us when they dismissed themselves to get more food but as we discover was just a cover for sneaking up on stage. Somehow they got grass skirts and coconut bras from one of the dancer as they stood on stage learning a Hula dance unsuccessfully.

We are currently at a luau and but the way Slade, Dom, and Nico were acting you would think they're all wasted but no, Slade is the only sober one. As he kept his promise to me by being my one and only sober buddy. He probably just up there humoring both the crowd and his friends.

Jed stood up to cheer them on in good laughs. "Whoa!" He smiled, waving his hands in the air as Kia and I snapped pictures of all three of them.

Trying hard to keep up Dom who nearly fell flat on his ass he tripped over his own foot but was caught by Slade while laughing at his own stupidity. Slade waving bye to the dancers he lead Dominic back over to our table as he sat him back down in his seat next to me. "That a boy."

"Hey!" Dom exclaimed, waving his pointer finger around sloppily, trying to match it up with Slade but failed miserably. "I am not a boy. I'm a man." He smirked. "A maaaaaaaaaan. Okay?"

Slade rolled his eyes along with me. "Right." He mumbled be for walking away.

Dom waved him off as he turned to me. "Baby!" He yelled even though I sat just right beside him. "Baby, did you see me?!" I nodded my head, trying to hold back my laugh. "I did so good right." He slurred.

"It was something special." I snickered.

It's a rare moment when you see Dom actually wasted off his ass to where he doesn't make any kind of sense.

He frowned. "Then why are you laughing?"

Rolling my lips in, I tried sobering up. "Baby, I'm not laughing at you. I'm laughing at a joke Kia just told me."

His eyebrows knitted together. "Really? About what?"


I racked my brain for an idea. "About... a dog and... a umm mouse."

His eyes lit up like a kid in a candy store as he said. "What about them?"

Oh shit. I thought hard.

He waited patiently with a silly smile. "Well... umm they went to a bar and-" I was cut off by Dominic's hysterical laughter.

Even though my thought wasn't over, I just nodded at him, leaving the joke as is.

Slade finally got Nico off the stage when Ronnie had just arrived back at the table from the restrooms. "What did I miss?" She asked me, taking her seat.

"A lot." I giggled. "Slade, Nico, and Dom got up on stage and started dances with the hula girls."

"What!? I missed that shit!" She exclaimed.

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