Chapter 7

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Nearly falling asleep in Honors English, the classroom door opened, disrupting teaching as every head turned to look at our guest. She was a student aid carrying a note that she handed over to the annoyed teacher. Instantly, he turned to me holding out the little note. "Ms. Taylor, you're wanted in the Dean's office."

The whole class 'oh'd me as I stood up and gathered my things before I received that note from his awaiting hand.

Exiting the class, I walked down the senior hall admiring all the Valentines decorations the student have put together. Advertising Valentine's Day Dance for Friday night, which is all the gossip over campus about who's going with who and what not.

One girl even had the nerve to ask me who I was going with, being 22 weeks pregnant who else would I going with. I had to calm myself quickly as the pregnancy hormones almost had me losing my mind. Dominic is usually the only one to calm me down when I'm heated, just the sound of his voice does wonders on me. He makes this pregnancy so much easier giving the fact that he is always offering to give me back and foot rubs, rubbing coco butter on my belly. Happy, that I still have shown any signs of stretch marks but my belly button is no longer an innie but an outtie which caused me to remove my belly button ring.

As I walked through the quad area I bumped into no other than the walking STD we all know and hate, Heather Mathers. "Well, if it isn't the pregnant slut." She bitched. "Had trouble keeping your legs closed?"

My blood boiled as my hands formed fists so tight my nails dug into my palms. "Unlike you I can name and number every guy I've been with, one, my boyfriend, father of my baby." I scoffed from my own stupidity. Why would I need to explain anything to this bitch? "But why am I explaining this to you."

I walked past her continuing to the Dean's office.

"Fuck you, bitch." She yelled after me.

"No, thank you." I yelled back, not even bothering to turn around considering she's not worth my time.

Stepping into the Dean's office I handed my pass to the receptionist at the front desk. As she pushed her huge round over sized glasses up on her nose, picking up her phone she dialed a number. "Dean Hyland, we have Ms. Taylor here to see you."

"Send her in." His gruffy voice responded through the speaker.

Stepping over his threshold he stood up as he pulled down his black suit jacket that looked kind of silly against his khaki pants, but went really well with his blue and black striped tie. "Ms. Taylor, please." He pointed at one of chairs in front of his desk as he stood on the opposite side.

I took the seat. "Dean Hyland, may I ask what this is about?" I wondered, not wanting to beat around the bush.

Taking aback he sat, stunned. "Uh, sure." He cleared his throat. "It has come to my immediate attention that you are indeed carrying a child and I thought that maybe you would prefer surrounding yourself, along with your unborn child in a more..." He trailed off trying to find the right words. "Reciprocal environment as your own. As your situation has come of an uneasiness from the other students and parents."

He swallowed hard as he quickly adjust his neck tie.

I looked at him in confusion, wondering if what I am gathering from his mumble jumble is really what he his trying to say. "Okay." I chuckle, humorlessly. "Let me get this straight, you want me to transfer to a school filled with pregnant girls, just like me. All because some of the students complained to their parents about the fact that I'm pregnant, which is entirely none of their damn business." I sneered, suddenly annoyed by this whole thing.

His eyes widened at the use of profanity but he ignored it. "Precisely." He nodded once, cautiously.

I stood to my feet, ready to exit his personal office. "I can't believe you of all people would ever say something like this to me. I'm probably one of the best students in the whole entire school and you present such bullsh-" I cut myself off knowing I'm getting beside myself. "You now what, all this kind of stress isn't good for my son. So, how about you tell those parents I'm not going anywhere because I have the right to be here just as much as their bratty kids."

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