Chapter 12

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On our way to the hospital Dominic phoned Dr. Lacey and filled her on what was going on. She told us to go straight to the hospital, she said she was there and would see us immediately.

As we pulled into the hospital parking a lot another pain in my abdomen emerged. I whimpered. "Owww!" It felt like someone was repeatedly kicking with a steel toed boot in the vagina. "It hurts so bad."

"We're here, baby." Dom reassured, pulling into the handicap parking spot, not even caring about receiving a ticket. Him and Slade hopped out of the car at the same time, but Dom was the one who opened my door to help me out. Only making it worse to be standing then before when I was sitting.

"Ah!" I cried. "This isn't pleasant."

Slade snickered. "You could've fooled me."

I couldn't help but crack a smile. "You're such a bastard."

Dom chuckled.

Slade quickly made it to my other side grabbing my arm as they helped me inside. Getting to the receptionist counter Dom spoke. "We're here to see Dr. Lacey."

The nurse receptionist smiled. "Yes, she told me that I should be expecting you, go right in. She'll be waiting in your normal room."

"Thank you." Dom nodded.

Dom and Slade helped me walk as I could barely even catch my breath because the pain was so unbearable. As soon as we stepped though the door Dr. Lacey was waiting with the ultrasound machine ready to work.

"Hey, Ms. Taylor." She smiled. "How are you?"

"In pain." I breathed.

She frowned. "Right, stupid question."

Slade and Dom helped me on the bench as Dr. Lacey got the gel to squirt on my belly as I pulled up my shirt.

"Wow, Lahni." Slade smirked, staring at my big belly bump. "There's a baby in there..."

I giggled. "Yes, there is Slade."

He blushed, slightly.

"Uncle Slade?" Dr. Lacey smiled as she squirted the gel on my belly causing me to flinch from it's freezing temperature.

Dom nodded. "Yep." He added, laughing.

"Okay, Kalahni. How long do these pains last and where are they?" Dr. Lacey asked me.

"About one to two minutes and there in my lower abdomen, by my bladder."

She nodded. "Sounds like braxton hicks, they are completely normal during pregnancies. They usually start six weeks into the pregnancy but you don't feel them until the second or third trimester." She said moving the wand around on my stomach. "Let's just find your baby boy's heart beat."

Soon enough we heard the familiar of what sounded like a single horse galloping across a firm dirt field. Just like every time my ears were blessed with this incredible sound, tears bare their little ugly and annoying heads.

My son's heart beat...such a wonderful sound. One that I could tune myself into at any given time.

"Holy shit." Slade smiled, looking at me in wonder. "This is what going to your doctor appointments feel like..." He trailed.

Dom chuckled, nodding his head.

Dr. Lacey performed a few fetal monitoring tests to record the length and duration of the contractions for preteen labor after she had checked the heart. Also, she checked the dilation of my cervix, which Slade had to step out of the room for.

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