Chapter 29

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The ride back home always seem shorter than the ride to Miami, but even though we had to leave since school starts in a few days we were happy to get back.

Well, I was. Ronnie was beyond upset when we left, although I reminded her of the fact that Nico would be down there in a couple of weeks and she calmed down a bit.

We have been back for a couple of days now and things were right back on track, like before. And better, Ryder said that she hasn't seen a trace of Axel since we have been back. Soon, a couple of days turned into a few weeks.

It's been almost a month since college has started and honestly it was harder than I thought juggling a school and a family, but I was lucky enough to have my very supportive boyfriend by side through it all.

I love him so much and appreciate him everyday, he is the reason I get through it all.

Nico had left for Miami a couple weeks ago and I must say that I miss him terrible, but he is more than happy to be away from that psycho Joanna. Turns out we were right, she was never pregnant with Nico's baby, actually she wasn't even pregnant at all. That slut lied to everyone and made everyone believe that she actually was, well except for me.

Although, Nico was the one who came out hurt in all of this. He was really looking foward to becoming a daddy and had his dreams crushed by a crazy, stalker bitch. The first few nights after the news were the hardest for him, he ended up drinking away his pain, so mom had us hide all the liquor bottles in the house. Then again all Nico had to do was go out and buy more, but he never did though, which is good.

It hurt my heart to see him that way and we all had Joanna to thank for that. I can honestly say that if Ronnie ever sees that bitch again, she is going to wish she had never met Nico.

Mom is now a little over five months pregnant, I noticed that she was bigger than a normal woman on her fifth month. Not being able to hide anything from me, she let me in on the secret that she was actually pregnant with twins. She wanted to keep it a surprise until they were born, but had no choice when I literally started freaking out over the issue of her being too big.

She told me after she laughed her head off, right along with Dean, who by the way can't keep his hands off of my mother's belly, nor her body. Everytime I see them, they are together and their touching or hugging or kissing. And I started to wonder if Dom and I were this disgustingly horny when I was pregnant with Junior.


"Yeah, just drop me off at home and I'll have my mom to take me to work." Ryder said as we turned on her street.

Pulling up in front of Ryder's house, she got out of the passenger seat then walked to the back seat door, opening it to kiss Hazel goodbye. Staring out the window, Hazel watched with a quivered bottom lip as her mom opened the front door, waved and stepped inside the house before completely bursting into tears.

"Aw, Hazel. It's okay honey." I tried comforting her the best way I could as I pulled off and headed home. She was still wailing by the time we made it to a main street, but was knocked out as I pulled into the driveway, which I hadn't even notice until now.

Calling Dom down, I had him get Hazel out of the car while I grabbed Junior out of the car. Dominic carried her sleeping body up the stairs and laid her on our bed. Pulling her shoes off her feet softly, he tucked her under the covers. Stirring in her slumber, she got comfortable against the pillows, I could still see her dried tears from her being upset earlier.

Getting in a quick nap, I was woken up by a hungry Hazel. Sitting up, I noticed that my son nor boyfriend were anywhere in sight. So, I scooped up Hazel and headed downstairs to the kitchen to find something for us to eat as my stomach growled.

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