Chapter 11

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Dominic didn't hide the fact he didn't want them here. "What the fuck do you two want?" He said simply. Excellent question since they have no business even on our doorstep considering they wouldn't even return his phone calls for over four months and didn't care for the reason he was even in the hospital.

"Is that anyway to treat your parents?" Gia chanced.

I scoffed as Dom grabbed my hand in his.

He chuckled humorlessly. "Parents is such a strong and inappropriate word when dealing with you and Lance."

She sighed sadly, but this time I refused to feel bad for her. She attempted to reconcile a relationship with her son but instead really just wanted to screw with his fragile feelings.

"May we come in?" She asked hopeful.

Just then my mom pulled into the driveway, eyeing down the strangers at the front door. He gestured to mom getting out of her car just as Dean pulled up behind her. They turned around following his sight.

"I don't know, you're gonna have to ask my mom." Dominic told them as their heads snapped back to him as soon as they heard him say 'mom'.

Without waiting for Dean to exit his car, mom walked up to the front door, taking in a very tense and pissed off looking Dom.

Looking confused she asked Dom's parents. "Can I help you two?"

"Yes, I'm Gia and this is my husband, Lance." She introduced them. "We are Dominic's parents."

Mom's eyes widened. "Parents? You guys are brave to call yourselves that." Mom frowned. "Don't you find it weird that your son and my daughter have been dating since she was 15 and I have never meet you two, once." She pointed out, using quotes around your. "She's been 18 for six months. Actually, their three year anniversary is next week."

"We work a lot an-" Lance said as Dean walked up, staying silent.

She scoffed. "Damn, skippy you do, but so do I. As a single mother I have no choice but to work, you two just use that as a sorry excuse."

We heard footsteps coming downstairs, Nico approached everyone with Joanna following.

"What's going on?" His guard going up as he took in a tense Dominic and a mad mother. He came and stood in front of Dominic and I, taking a protective stance. "Mom, what's going on?" He asked again.

"These." She said smiling, but I could tell that she didn't see anything happy about this situation. "Are Dom's parents, Gia and Lance."

Nico huffed. "Well it's about damn time. Where the hell have you guys been?" He shook his head in disappointment. "At first I seriously thought he had no parents, that they died and he lived alone."

"Well, we are very much alive." Gia smirked. "Can we come in? We just want to talk."

"Mom, what do you think?" Dom asked mom.

Please say no.

She rolled her eyes in irritation. "Fine."


"Okay." Dom nodded. "But I still need to put these in my car, I'm not gonna put it aside just because we were rudely interrupted."

Nico stepped aside as Gia and Lance backed out of the way to let us out the front door. Still holding onto Dom's hand, we walked to his car.

"What a surprise." I muttered sarcastically.

"A horrible one."

Just when we thought everyone had filed inside we turned around and they were all standing by the front door looking our way.

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