Chapter 13

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"Okay so, you printed out the pictures of him last night, right?" I asked Kade as I glued our essay of Edgar Allen Poe in the middle of our huge black poster board for Honors English.

From the corner of my eyes I seen him nod while flipping to the back of his binder. "Yep." He said popping the p. Pulling them from the back pocket of his binder he walked of over to me as I was kneeling in front of my coffee table, admiring our current work. "Here."

Squatting down next to me I took them from his hand. Counting out six small printed black and white photos, I placed them all around the poster as I would glue them. "That looks good?" I asked him unsure, also making sure he had a say so in the project as well.

"Whatever you want." He shrugged, not caring where on the poster board I placed them.

I groaned in frustration, he has been like this every since we got here from school. Dom drove his own car since he has basketball after school today. I wish he would stop being such a pooper so we can finish it since it's due tomorrow.

"Okay, since you keep saying that, you glue them on while I pee." I ordered, struggling to stand so he jumped in to help me. "Thank you."

He nodded right before I rushed to the bathroom. I did my business, washed my hands and got back to Kade.

Satisfied with myself when I seen him gluing the last picture on the poster board circling around to essay. Looking up upon my arrival he shrugged when he noticed a smile on my face. "Cool?" He smiled, unsure.

"It's fine." I giggled. "It's your project too." I surrendered my hands. "You did the fun facts?"

"Oh, yeah." He remembered. "Right here."

Pulling them from the front pocket of his backpack, he handed the index cards over to me. "Awesome, I'll glue them on."

"Alright." He shrugged, scooting over, making room for me.

What is with him and his few word answers? He has been acting strange this entire time. Obviously, it has nothing to do with him wanting to let me make all the decisions on the project.

I looked at him, unable to meet his eyes since he kept averted his gaze. "Are you, okay?"

He cleared his throat. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"Okay." I nodded slowly. "Well, all we have to do is glue these on somewhere and then we're done."


And there it goes again.

I rolled my eyes.

Quickly, I glued on the facts then we stood back and examined our work.

"Fabulous, I mean it's no Picasso but still." I chuckled making Kade laugh along with me.

Flipping the poster over he wrote our names on the back in the top right corner. "Now, its a Andrews-Taylor." He smirked.

I giggled. "Taylor-Andrews."

"Nope, its already been copyrighted."

I pouted. "Boo-hoo."

"That's the business, baby." He smirked.

"Whatever, loser." I snugged him by the shoulder.

Just then I heard the front door open and close. Confused, I looked at the clock as it read half past three that's when I knew it was Dominic.

"Wow, we've been working for that long?" Kade asked surprised as he gathered his things.

I shrugged. "Guess so."

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