Chapter 14

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"Ryder!" I called to her before walking into the lunch room to meet everyone. She ran up to me beaming, looking the happiest and energetic I've seen her in a while.

"Hey!" She all but yelled as she reached me. "Guess what?"

"You're allowed to join us in Maui?!" I shrieked.

"Well, not if you don't release your pregnancy death grip on my arm, I'll be in the hospital." She smiled through the pain.

I flinched, snatching my hands back. "Sorry. But she said you can go though right?!" I perked back up.

"Yeah, but I have to find a babysitter who can watch Hazel while my mom's at work." She thought hopefully as her smiled faltered.

"We leave Sunday, we'll find her one by then." I said matter of factly.

"I hope." Ryder smiled sadly as we walked into the lunch room to find our table full of friends. Dom had already brought my lunch to the table along with his and since Ryder brought her some from home, we just joined them.

As I sat down Slade smiled at me, the same one he kept looking at Dom and I with last night but wouldn't say anything. He pulled out his cellphone while keeping his smile. "Guys, guess what?" No owned said anything ad they waited from him to continue speaking. "I got this interesting voicemail yesterday while I was at Kia's. I couldn't get to the phone in time, well because I was a little preoccupied."

Kia blushed red, obviously remembering why, Slade placed an arm around her shoulders in comfort.

"Play the bloody thing, will you." Ian mumbled through a mouth full of food.

Slade still had that goofy grin on his face as he pulled his iPhone of of his back pocket, the one my mom got added to our family plan. "Okay." He shrugged.

I looked at Dom completely confused until I heard a moan in pleasure and felt Dom go tense beside me.

"Oh, God!" I heard moaning from his phone as I fucking face palmed.

Covering my face with both hands, I buried my face into Dom shoulder. I felt his body vibrate as I looked up to see him smirking as another moan came on.

Slade had the speaker loud enough for the table but low enough to where other table were out of hear sight.

The table stayed quiet the whole time it played. "Harder, Dom!" That's when I had to stop this madness. "Yes! Yes!"

"Alright, turn it off you made your point!" I yelled, slapping my hands down on the table, catching near by students' attention.

I pouted.

Slade just smirked at me.

That bastard.

"Was that-" Kade began but was cut off by Kia.

"Hell yeah." Kia blurted.

"That was fucking hot!" Ryder squeaked surprising everyone at the table.

"My poor virgin ears." Brooklyn pouted.

Kia giggled. "They're no longer virgin, honey."

"Slaaaaadeee..." I whined. "Why?" On the verge of tears.

Slade's smirk faltered slightly when he notice my face and the tone in my voice. He could tell I was about to spill tears. "Come on, the nonpregnated Lahni would laugh at this." He tried cheering me up.

"But I am pregnant you jackass." I cried as the tears waterfalled down my cheeks.

I continued burning red while I cried, burying my head into Dom's chest.

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