Chapter 21

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"Dominic, my water just broke!" I yelled again getting attention from near by party goers. Two of them being my mom and Dean. Nico was here but had left a half and hour ago with Joanna who claimed she needed to get home because she was feeling sleepy, being pregnant and all.

"Huh?" He asked still staring at me dumbfounded.

Finally, my mom reached us giving Dominic grateful smack in the head. "Dominic, snap out of it."

"Yeah, sorry." He shook head trying to untangle his thought. "What do we do now?"

"The hospital, you ass!" I nearly screamed.

"Right!" He nodded as he helped me to the parking lot, to his car. Luckily, we've been ready for this day for weeks as we already had my bag on his truck and Junior's car seat set up along with his stroller in the back.

One our way to the hospital we phoned Dr. Lacey letting her know we we're on our way to the hospital, latter to my water breaking. She said it was vital that we get to the hospital as soon as possible because every minute I am prone to infections ever since my water broke.

Parking the car, Dom and I rushed to the door only to find a nurse with a wheel chair waiting for us. Gratefully, I plopped in the chair as Dom wheeled me into the hospital, following the nurse to the desk as she got us checked in and in a room in no time at all.

"Oh my God!" I screamed as another contraction came on.

"Breathe, baby." Dom cooed me as he swept my sweat drenched hair out my face while I lay on my hospital bed. My mom excused herself a minute ago to use the restroom while Dean and the rest of our friends lounged in the waiting room, which I'm surprised they stayed considering it was past 1 AM in the morning.

It's been several hours since my water broke and few hours since the nurse gave me Pitocin to help jump start labor considering I wasn't dilating like I'm suppose to ever since my water had broken. But ever since the Pitocin I have been having very painful and frequent contractions which was a sure sign that it is working perfectly. Time I got to the bed, the nurses hooked me up on an IV and antibiotics to fight off infections.

"That's easy for you to fucking say!" I yelled. "Your body is not getting ready to have a little come out of you vagina!"

In walked a nurse. "How are we doing?" She asked, smiling placing a fresh pair of gloves on her hands.

"Not good." Dom shook his head. "I'm more than likely going to need therapy after this from all her verbal abusing."

The nurse chuckled. "Let's check to see how far your dilated now..." She trailed, lifting my sheets as she stuck hand under.

I whimpered in pain, grabbing hold of Dom's hand as he kissed it whispering how much I was doing so good and how much he loves me while she checked my cervix.

"Okay, that Pitocin really did the trick because you are now dilated six centimeters with only four more to go." She smiled, pulling her gloves off. "And at this time you have the option of taking a dose of Epidural, its to help reduce labor pains-"

"Yes!" I cried. "Please, I want it!"

"Alright, I'll get Dr. Lacey." She tossed her gloves in the trash before leaving out the door.

Dom chuckled at my urgency to get the medicine. "Drugs are bad, you know."

"So, is strangling someone because your in unbearable pain." I gritted through clenched teeth.

"Good point." He chuckled, nervously.

Just then the door and to my displeasure, mom walked in carrying a blue plastic cup.

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