Chapter 15

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Yuhun was so hurried and rushed to the dorm and quickly changed in to her casual clothes in the speed of light.

She went out of the dorm and almost forgot to lock their dorm room, luckily she remembered to lock it before she took the flights of stairs.

Some students that were outside the dorm building hallway noticed Yuhun. They noticed that she was too hyper and worked up. She wasn't usually like this, so it was weird.

Indeed, happy and anticipating to see the one and only Kim Mingyu.

Not too long after that, she arrived by foot at the park where they were supposed to meet. As she witnessed, Mingyu wasn't present yet. She thought she could wait for him and decided to walk down the street side where there were a few shops.

Until she passed by a Perfume Shop, she spotted a familiar figure.

A smile made its way to her face, before it dropped and disappeared in 0.5 seconds quick.

She saw him talking to another girl like they were close buddies. Her blood boiled in anger, she wanted to rage quit but managed to hold herself.

Without anyone knowing, Yuhun decided to eavesdrop to their conversation.

"I had been wanting to meet you since the day you gave me that special rose!" She said. "I know you all know that my bias is Jeonghan regarding the placard I was holding back then, but know what?! I love you all, even you, Kim Mingyu!!!"

Mingyu grinned back at her. "Noona, I felt the same way." He blurted out.

What? Yuhun did hear them exactly right. She wasn't mistaken, but she refused to believe what she just heard.

Let's be clear. The girl just said "I love you all, even you, Kim Mingyu" and Mingyu replied to her "Noona I felt the same way". And what now? Love each other? Yuhun can't take it anymore.

Yuhun hid to the side of the perfume shop outside so she wouldn't be seen before she took her phone out of her bag and immediately dialed Mingyu's phone.

She saw Mingyu took his and pick his phone up to the call. Yuhun made sure her voice was not loud so they wouldn't be able to hear her.

Mingyu placed his phone on his ear and spoke first, "Hello?"

"Kim Mingyu," Yuhun responded.

"Oh yeah, Yuhun," Mingyu tried to be at least casual. "Are you on the park already?"

"Can you go out of the Perfume Shop?" Yuhun suddenly said out of nowhere.

Mingyu froze, like he was doomed for life. He hesitated to look outside the shop because he knew he would be killed.

He turned to the girl. "I'm sorry noona, I have to go. Let's meet each other sometime,"

The girl nodded. "Of course! Fighting Seventeen!" She flashed a smile.

Mingyu smiled back at her before exiting the shop. He saw Yuhun right away at the corner.

Yuhun put on a fake smile which was obvious for the taller.

"Mingyu, we need to talk," Yuhun's voice sounded deep.

Mingyu gulped down the lump on his throat, slightly sweating already.

They both made their way back to the park where they were supposed to meet, and it was weird for the both of them not to insist holding hands since they usually do it to each other.

The sunset was already visible, explaining that night was about to come.

Yuhun checked the time on her phone, and it said it was already 30 minutes past 5.

Time really did flew past. They sat down together on a nearby bench, atmosphere calming and relaxing since there were no more people present at the park aside the both of them.

"So that girl. . . She's your former love interest, am I right?" Yuhun spoke seriously. "The one you were supposed to call from the start?"

No word came out of the male's mouth but he did nodded.

"She said she loves you. Well not only you but the rest of the members too." Yuhun replied. "And you felt the same way. What did you felt? You love her back, don't you?"

Mingyu was too scared to say anything.

"So you just used me to forget her? And now you met her again. There's a high chance and probability that you'll date her." Yuhun added.

Mingyu stayed silent.

"And she looks prettier than me. You love her more than me. Go date her then," Yuhun sarcastically added. "We're over from here."

For now Mingyu is muted. He still didn't answer. He was looking down on the ground.

Yuhun stood up and went away. Mingyu stood up to and walked after her, grabbing the female's hand.

Yuhun, in rage, slapped away the male's hand which was trying to touch her.

"Go away. Don't touch me again." Yuhun harshly said. "I hate you, go out of my sight." Tears were obvious on her eyes, which she was trying to hold back.

"No, Yuhun— Please let me explain—" Mingyu tried to convince Yuhun but couldn't.

"GO AWAY! I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOUR FACE ANYMORE! GO SPEND TIME WITH THAT GIRL!" Yuhun shouted. "I DON'T NEED YOU ANYMORE. Thank you for wasting most of my time on you."

Mingyu froze on his spot. He couldn't what Yuhun just admitted. Well, Yuhun couldn't believe herself too.

"Goodbye Kim Mingyu." Yuhun muttered out loud enough for Mingyu to hear her clearly.

Mingyu finally let go of her hand, as Yuhun left quickly. Yuhun finally spilled all the tears she had been holding back, as they streamed through her now-red cheeks.

Little did Yuhun even know, a single tear finally made its way down the male's cheek.

Ang drama ko naman (I'm so drama)😂 Or is it Yuhun who is drama?😂 IDK BRO.

Does it looks like an angst? Because I suck at angst and tried to make one. I want to make better angst ;-;

Hope you guys enjoyed :) (or probably not because of the angst😂)

And. ..  I have been suffering from depression since last last week that I actually lose apettite and looked thinner than before :( I became introvert to my family (but I still talk to my internet friends and they're definitely my mood boosters :)💕). I avoided any skinships. So I tried to at least update to forget anything.

Thank you and I like meat. Yeah. :)

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