Chapter 16

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Yuhun opened their dorm room and went inside, closing the door behind her.

Yuhun huffed before dropping herself in front of her work desk. 

"My friend is gone, and now this?" She muttered to herself. "What a nice life I have," She said to herself sarcastically before frowning.

"Mingyu and I had broken up, just great," She mumbled sarcastically. "I wonder how would Chae react to this,"

She rummaged through her work desk, checking if she had anything to do for today that needed to be passed tomorrow.

She remembered a Botany report for tomorrow, but her book was left on her locker. Before she cold go outside and go back to the hallways to check on her locker, she looked for her locker key only to find none.

'Really damn great, now my locker key is gone too,'

She sighed loudly. Before she could even rage quit for more, the bell rang signaling all the students at the dorm building to go to the Great Hall already and eat dinner.

Admittedly she was starving already, so she scurried off to the hallway on the way to the Great Hall.

Once dinner started, she quickly dug in to the food, filling her empty stomach. She tried forgetting all of her problems. In the middle of her thoughts, she was interrupted.

"Uh, Park Yuhun," Someone patted her from the back. Yuhun turned around, and saw Jung Areum. The said female sat down on the empty spot beside Yuhun, dropping all of her books to the empty spot of the table.

"What did you want to talk about to me?" Yuhun questioned, trying to be nice despite her anger towards Mingyu.

"Your locker key," Areum took the said thing out of her pocket and handed it to Yuhun, who was surprised upon seeing her own locker key. "You were too rushed back at this late afternoon, and I don't know why. And I happened to find your locker open and your locker key sticking to its key hole."

"Oh my god, thank you so much!" Yuhun exclaimed.

Areum smiled at her. "No worries at all,"

Areum dragged the bowl of soup in front of her and started eating while doing a homework.

Yuhun looked through the home works Areum was doing and noticed one of them were familiar. The exact thing Yuhun was looking at was the one Areum was doing right now.

"Oh, is this Mythology?" Yuhun asked out of nowhere.

Areum looked at her. "Of course. Weren't we told to do a 5-page Mythology essay that needs to be passed tomorrow?"

Yuhun froze on her spot.

"And you were also in the same class as mine," Areum added.

"Oh sh—, oh god," Yuhun almost cursed. "I forgot," She groaned.

"Mind if I help you?" Areum suggested.

Yuhun thought for awhile. Doing a lot of home works even if it takes her to finish all of them at past 2 in the morning was a good option for Yuhun.

Of course, to forget all of her problems. Even the one and only Kim Mingyu. Even her dearest friend's situation.

"No thanks, I can do it myself even if it takes me to finish all of them in the morning," Said Yuhun. Areum just nodded, agreeing with her choice.

Back at the dorm after the dinner, Yuhun was working first on her Mythology essay. She finished it for 1 hour and 30 minutes, which made her proud of because she didn't waste time. And it was only 9:30 in the evening.

Next, she started working on her Botany report. She successfully got her Botany text book back from her locker with the help of Areum giving back her missing key.

After doing the report completely for 2 hours, she started working on her Physics homework which needed to be passed tomorrow at late afternoon.

She sighed. To her, Physics was a very hard major subject, and her pal Chae was good at it. They always exchanged on doing works, Yuhun would do Chae's English and History works and Chae, in exchange would do Mathematics, Statistics and Pure Sciences, most specifically Physics as said.

She felt exhaustion already, and felt dizzy. Her head was spinning incredibly.

And the next thing she knew, she passed out on her Physics home work. Who knew the ink would scatter because of the drool.

She fell asleep, indeed. Wrong timing but also perfect timing, her phone was ringing without her even noticing and budging from her deep sleep.

Mingyu was the one calling. Seeing no one answered the call, he tried again. And again. And again. It had been more than 10 times already.

On the other side, Mingyu missed the two of them together, he and Yuhun. He missed how they would call each other every time they have a free time and whenever they want to start a conversation.

Mingyu sighed. How he wish he could make it up to Yuhun.

This chapter was boring, I am highly sorry.

I need to finish this story before school starts, and before school starts I need to update on my other stories before going on a hiatus.

School is getting nearer and nearer, so might as well say I will finish this story before school starts.

And one more thing. Thank you so much to all of those who showed their love to this project of mine. Thank you, thank you!!👌💕💖 I am so grateful.💞💞💞

I love you all so much sweeties~💓💙

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