Chapter 19

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December 25. Christmas day.

The morning of the house was filled with warmth, the aroma of the coffee bred by their mom was on air. The decorations around the house were on display, and there were lots of gifts under the Christmas tree. Breakfast meals such as bacon and egg was already settled on the dining table by their mom.

Yuhun first woke up at so early in the morning when she checked her phone and realized it was just 5 in the morning. She forgot to close the window last night so she was freezing cold by morning.

Yuhun woke up to the sound of someone doorbelling at their door. Since Yuhun knew her family is still asleep, she went downstairs to open the door.

When she did, it was just the mailman. He handed her two packages along with two postcards. As soon as the mailman left, she checked on the details as to who delivered them to her.

When she did, she found out that each package and post card was from Chae and Mingyu.

Reading Chae's letter, it was sweet and short that Yuhun actually cringed. Chae was telling her that her surgery was a complete success, she was able to survive. Since Christmas eve last night, Chae admitted that they went to Japan and spend some time there. Not for her family to continue working (but of course not, since they're on a holiday break) but for them to spend some time with each other. Chae also told her that she will be back after New Year's celebration.

Yuhun decided to open the package sent to her by Chae later. Next she read Mingyu's handwritten letter.

'Dear Yuhun,
I'm so sorry of what I did. She didn't mean to ruin us like this. I tried to get her to understand about the two of us and she agreed. Believe it or not, Yuhun, she actually said she'll support on us! You can't leave me like this :'( I'll try making it up to you in personal. Give me another chance. For now, do enjoy your Christmas and New Year. Lots of love, from Mingyu❤'

And plus, Mingyu also actually attached a photo card of a selca of himself to the post card.

"Yah unnie,"

Yuhun flinched all of a sudden in surprise.

"Oh gosh you shocked me!" Yuhun shouted.

Minghyun chuckled. "Oops, sorry."

"By the way what are those?" Minghyun questioned, referring to the postcards and packages.

Yuhun froze on her spot and tried to hid the post card from Mingyu.

"They're letters from my friends, and those," Yuhun pointed at the packages. "I haven't opened them yet. So now if you excuse me I will go back to my room and open them."

Yuhun thought for a bit. The Mingyu selca photocard. Should she keep it to herself or give it to Minghyun?

But at last she agreed to keep it to herself anyway.

"Yuhun, you have to go back to school and spend New Year there." Her mother stated.

Yuhun just nodded. Even though she wanted to spend more time with her family, she obeyed her mom and listened.

A week before New Year start, Yuhun was going to leave home and go back to the school's dorm. She was packing in her room her things, and decided to leave tomorrow early morning.

When morning has come, Yuhun had breakfast that was cooked by her mom who woke up early too to accompany Yuhun to her morning routines.

"Have a safe trip, Yuhun dear." Her mom told her before she stepped out of the house. "Bye Eomma, I'll be back on summer." It was freezing cold even though Yuhun was already wearing thick clothes. Snow was falling down and the skies were still dark because it was still so early in the morning.

Yuhun headed to the streets down the lane. She stopped at the bus stop waited for the bus to come. A few minutes later she had already saw the bus coming and stopped in front of her. Unexpectedly for her someone obvious stepped out of the bus.

They stared at each other for a few minutes.

At the nearby park, snow was still falling down. They were sitting at a bench together. There was a silence at first before Yuhun broke it.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" Yuhun spoke.

Mingyu glanced at her. "I came here to see you, go back at Seoul with you, and make it up to you."

Yuhun bobbed her head. "I see. So how would you make it up to me?"

"Yuhun, please understand. When she said she loves me and I answered that I felt the same, that just come out of nowhere. My answer just came out of nowhere. I'm so sorry." Mingyu sighed. "And, that I saw her again it doesn't mean that I love her, I already have you."

Yuhun chose to stay silent.

"Then, who is Park Yuhun in my life? What else? Soon-to-be wife?" Mingyu grinned. He noticed Yuhun was already shivering from the freezing cold air of the weather, so he removed his own scarf from his neck and wrapped it around Yuhun's to make her warmer.

Yuhun blushed at the statement and the action.

"Yuhun, let's be together again. I promise I will not repeat it anymore. She will support us too! Aren't you glad of that? Lucky for the both of us, she is nice and kind. If she was possessive then problems would pile up and it would worsen for the both of us." Mingyu added.

Yuhun nodded. She looked at him and smiled.

"Okay, I accept your apology, Mr. Mingyu."

And the next thing was, Yuhun gave him a peck in the lips.

Mingyu held Yuhun's hands tight and rubbed them.

"Your hands are so cold," Mingyu said. He took out hot packs from his bag and gave them to Yuhun. "Here,"

Yuhun smiled. "Thank you so much,"

'I have never been this lucky till I had you stepped in my life.'

(-author nim; not sure if this quote is mainstream but I randomly thought of it out of nowhere.╮(─▽─)╭)

I really miss Christmas ;-; Christmas 2016 had been the most memorable for me ゚( ゚இ‸இ゚)゚ू(ʚ̴̶̷́ .̠ ʚ̴̶̷̥̀ ू)⁽

Anyways I keep starving myself to lose weight wtf am I doing fml. And I have gotten used to not having breakfast everyday (ुŏ̥̥̥̥םŏ̥̥̥̥) ु


Okay bye I really need to finish thissssss (。・ω・)ノ゙

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