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Emilio POV:

As Chance was punching me I could hear Tessa yelling at Chance. Then I hear Jake's voice I didn't know what he was saying but he was screaming. Then I hear Tessa crying and the ambulance siren. Then everything went dark.

Tessa POV:

When we got to the hospital they quickly got him and had to do a surgery so I went and sat down in the waiting area. I waited ti'll the others arrived. Once they did I see Ivan I quickly ran up to him and hugged him. I started to cry in his arms, then he told me "He is going to be fine."

Jake POV:

The ambulance had just left when Ivan had came out of the restroom. He was confused so I told him "Ivan can I talk to you in the office?" "Sure" he said. I told him everything I could tell that he was mad. When I finished telling him he stormed out of the office and headed straight for Chance. He then punched Chance so Anthony and I graved Ivan. He tried to cut loose but he couldn't. He was yelling at Chance. Erica calmed him down and we let him go. We then got in the van. Chance stayed with Nick. When we got there I saw Tessa run to Ivan crying.

Ivan POV:

When I came out of the restroom the party ended and the crew just looked at me and didn't know what to say. Jake broke the silence by saying "Ivan can I talk to you in the office?" "Sure" I said. When i walked in the office Jake explained to me that Chance started to punch Emilio and that he went to the hospital. When Jake finished telling me i stormed out of there and headed straight for Chance. I punched Chance I was about to punch him again when Jake and Anthony pulled me out. I was trying to free myself while I was screaming at Chance. Then I see Erika coming over to me and told me to calm down. Once I did they let me go and i went to the van. Everyone except Nick and Chance went. Once we got there I see Tessa running up to me and crying. I told her "He is going to be fine."

Tessa POV:

We waited in the waiting room. Then Chance texted me. This is what he said.

Chance: Tessa I am very sorry can you please forgive?

Chance: Tessa please answer me!!

Chance: Tessa Please

Tessa: What do you want Chance can't you see you done enough damage. I don't want to talk to you after what you did. So leave me alone and don't talk to me ever again.

Chance: Okay :(

End of Convo

Ivan POV :

After a few minutes the doctor comes and says that we can see Emilio. But only one person at a time can see him. So then all of us decided the order of who was going to see him.
This is the order:

So I went in first, when I entered Emilio was asleep I sat next to him and talked to him. It was a little weird but I can tell that he can hear him. I finished talking to him so I walked out.

Emilio POV:

I was asleep until I heard footsteps. I thought it was one of the nurses but it was Ivan. I was too tired to open my eyes. I heard him talking to me until he left.

Tessa POV:

I saw Ivan come out the room that means it was my turn. I slowly walked to the room and saw him sleeping. So I quietly walked in and sat next to him. I was trying to say something but it just didn't come out. I pulled myself together and managed to say "I am so sorry for what happened, I didn't want anything bad to happen" I was on the verge of crying, then I also said to him "I love you" I was about to leave until I heard a soft weak voice saying " I love you too." I looked and saw Emilio awake I was so happy I gave him a soft hug and went to tell the nurses.

Emilio POV:

Once Ivan left I heard someone else come in. I thought it was Ivan but it was Tessa. It was a silence until she said " I am so sorry for what happened, I didn't want anything bad to happen," I could tell she was about to cry. Then she told me with a soft voice "I love you." At that time when she told me she loves me that gave me strength to say "I love you too." When I told her that I opened my eyes and saw her beautiful face.

Ivan POV:

Tessa was in the room for a long time. After a few minutes she came out of the room and went straight to a nurse. I was really scared on what was happening. Then she came to me and told me that Emilio was awake. When I heard that he is awake I ran to his room and saw him sitting up. The nurse said that he can leave the hospital today. So we all went to the house.

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