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Meanwhile back at the Team 10 house

Ivan POV

I can't find Jake or Emilio. Neither Tessa and Erika. I called them but none of them answer. So I called the rest of team 10 to see if they knew anything and they don't. I'm getting really worried. I also can't find Chance.

Emilio POV

So me and Tessa were kissing until someone opened the door and threw Erika and Jake. We pulled away and I went to Tessa went to help them up since I was tied up. They brought them to me
T: Omg Erika what happened to you
J: They did something to her
E: Guys who is doing this to us
J: We don't know
E: Tessa do you know this person
T: I do know who is doing this to us
Everyone: Who
T: Umm it's
But before she can say they name a person came in and took her
Unknown: Your turn to suffer just like Erika
T: No Help Emilio
E: Let her go
Unknown: If you know who I am
Then they left with Tessa. I started screaming. But it didn't do anything

Tessa POV

They took me to this room and sat me down
Unknown: Don't worry Tessa I'm not going to do anything to you, yet.
T: What do you want from me
Unknown: Just your opinion
T: On what
Unknown: This
Then the lights go on and I see Chance tied up
C: Tessa what's going on
Unknown: Who do you pick him or Emilio.
Then I see guards bringing Emilio and pointing a gun at him.
Unknown: So who do you pick. You know what I will make this easier, if you pick Chance all of you will be free, but if you pick Emilio you will all be stuck here.
I couldn't pick, Chance was a friend to me and Emilio well means everything to me.
Unknown: Who do you pick Tessa
I was stuck thinking until I heard a voice
Emilio: Tessa pick Chance
Unknown: I will give you 10 minutes, but when I come back you will decide.
The person then left and I just looked at both of them.
Emilio: Tessa come here
Tessa: Emilio I don't know what to do
Emilio: The right thing
Tessa: But what is the right thing
Emilio: To choose Chance over me
Tessa: What no
Emilio: Yes you have to
Tessa: No Emilio I can't
Emilio: Yes you have to
Then the people come back
Unknown: You know what instead of the other person dying you will never see them again, so have you made up your mind.
Tessa: Umm
Emilio: Yes she has she chooses Chance
Unknown: Alright then you will say you goodbye later
So they let Chance go and as we leave the room I see Emilio. They took us to where Erika and Jake were. Once I saw Jake I ran up to him and cried.
Tessa: They are going to take him
Jake: Who
Tessa: Emilio
Then someone came in and took us to where Emilio is.
Unknown: Say your goodbyes then go out the door from your left
So Jake went first
Jake: Emilio you have been an awesome person. I know you are just trying to do the right thing. I will see you soon my friend. He kept talking but I couldn't here. I was to busy thinking. The the guards gave us space to say our goodbyes. So I went up to Emilio and said " I don't know what I will do without you, I love you Emilio. I gave him a hug and went out the the door. "They didn't suspect a thing guys now run" I said with Emilio by my side. It didn't take them long to realize that Emilio wasn't there. But we ran and ran I don't know how long.

Emilio POV

So we escaped and started running. We didn't know where until we stoped to rest. We were in the middle of nowhere. We decided to make camp. We started to make a little hut. We finished and it was getting dark, so we went in the hut. I slept with Tessa and Jake with Erka.

The next morning

Tessa: Ahhh Emilio help me

Then I woke up...

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