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Emilio POV

So I woke up by Jake yelling at everyone to wake up. So I woke up and got ready. I went downstairs and saw Tessa sitting on the couch, so I go and sit next to her. We started talking and talking then Chance came down with Jake holding boxes. "What are those for?" Tessa said. "We need to pack everything for the other house we are getting," said Jake. "Do you guys need any help," i asked. "Ya we could use some help," they said while walking to the kitchen. So we got up and went to go help them.

Tessa POV

So me and Emilio went to go help them pack some things. Emilio went with Jake to get more boxes. So I was putting things in the boxes. The Chance asked me to help him put something in the box. As I was closing the box he saw the ring. "Hey where did you get the ring?" he asked. "Oh this ring, from Emilio," I said. "You guys are engaged!" he said. "What no it's a promise ring," I said. Then Emilio and Jake came back and I kissed Emilio. Chance looked at me, it looked like if he was mad.

Chance POV

I saw Tessa had a beautiful ring. I wonder where she got it. I looked closer and it looked like a wedding ring. "Hey where did you get the ring?" I asked. "Oh this ring, from Emilio," She said. "You guys are engaged!" I said. "What no it's a promise ring," she said then Emilio came down and they kissed. That just made me mad because I could have had that with Tessa. So I just went to go get another box. Few hours later we finished some of the packing so I went to my room.

Emilio POV

We finished some of the packing and Jake asked us to load it in the car. So me and Tessa started caring the boxes to the car. "Hey Jake when are we moving in?" asked Tessa. "Well I'm trying to finish packing tomorrow so we can move in that day or the next," he said. So we finished putting the boxes in the car. We went to her room and she just laid down. I laid next to her and took her hand. I played with her ring.

Tessa POV

Me and Emilio were in my room laying down on my bed. He starts playing with the ring he gave me. I decided to get up and get something to eat. Me and Emilio went to the kitchen and grabbed a bowl of cherries. Then Chance came and started talking to us about the other house. Emilio then left to the bathroom so it was just me and Chance.

"Tessa look I'm sorry for how I acted when we were dating," he said

"It's okay Chance I got Emilio now and well I really like him," I said.

"Tessa I still like you," he said and looked at me.

"You do?" I said and looked at him.

" Yeah," he said and walked closer to me.

"Chance I like Emilio," I said and walked back.

"I know, but I just want to feel your soft lips again," he said and moved closer. I was about to say something until his lips crashed on mine. Then Emilio came

"What is going on here?" He said.

"Emilio I can explain," I said and walked to him.

"Don't just go with him if you want to, but we are done," he said and walked upstairs.

"Emilio wait," I said as my eyes got watery. I fell on the ground and cried. Chance came next to me and hugged me.

"Stop leave me alone," I said and pushed him away. Then Jake came in

"What's going on here?" he said and came up to me.

"Emilio is mad at me," I said and hugged him.

"What why?" he said.

"Because he caught me kissing Chance," I said and cried.

"Wait you kissed Chance why," he said.

"I didn't he kissed me and Emilio thought we kissed each other," I said and looked at Chance.

"Why would you do that bro she has a boyfriend?" he said and went up to Chance.

"I'm sorry I just couldn't help it," he said.

Emilio POV

I went downstairs and saw Tessa kissing Chance.
"What is going on here?" I said.

"Emilio I can explain," she said and walked to me.

"Don't just go with him if you want to, but we are done,"I said and walked upstairs. I went into Jake's room and climbed the latter to the roof. There I just cried and cried. Why would she do this to me. I thought she loved, but I guess she didn't. She promised and she broke it. I thought she was the love of my life. I was at the edge of the roof then someone came up and startald me and I feel then everything went black.

Tessa POV
I couldn't find Emilio so I decided to go up the roof. As I was going up the roof I saw someone. It was Emilio
"Emi-" I said quietly then he fell off the roof
"EMILIO!!" I screamed and I went to the roof.

I saw he was on the floor bleeding.

"Emilio," I said crying then I went down the latter and downstairs.

"Hey Tes-" Chance said.

I went outside and went up to him.

"Help someone Help Me," I said and Jake came out.

"Omg what happened?" he said

"Call the ambulance, " I screamed at him.

He called the ambulance and I just stood there crying. The ambulance came and took him. I was left to answer some questions on how this happened. I told him he fell from the roof. When they were done questioning me I got in my car and drove to the hospital.
"Hello I'm here for Emilio Martinez," I told the nurse.
"Emilio right now is in surgery," she said
I went to go sit down in the waiting room.
2 hours later
"Emilio Martinez," the nurse said and I quickly got up.
"That would be me," I said.
"Oh ok well Emilio is out of surgery and recovering. If you want i can take you to his room," she said
"Sure," I said and followed her to a room. I saw Emilio he was sleeping and had stiches on his head. I sat next to him and cried.
"Emilio I'm so sorry," I said as I cried.
"This was all my fault," I said and kept crying.
"Emilio I Love You," I said and cried. I put my head on his chest.
"I love you too," I heard and looked up. It was Emilio he was awake. I kissed him and he kissed me back.
"I'm sorry," he said.
"I finally realizes that he kissed you," he said.
I just hugged him and he hugged me.

A/N: Hi I'm sorry I haven't posted. I have been distracted with other stuff. But ya so I'm thinking of writing another book. Comment what book I should do next. Well bye🖐🖐🖐✌✌✌🦄🦄🦄💩💩💩

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