Valerie and Ivan

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Emilio POV

J/ "The New team 10 members is this girl called Vallerie."
C/ "Is she hot?"
A/ "Really Chance."
C/ "What it's just a question."
J/ "She is coming tomorrow so be on your best behavior, Chance,"
So we then just went to bed. But me and Tessa decided to look up the new team 10 member. We figured out she is a vlogger and she is from Texas. This is how she looks like

Me and Tessa decided when she comes to set up her and Ivan

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Me and Tessa decided when she comes to set up her and Ivan. We then decided to go to sleep.

Tessa POV

I woke up next to Emilio and started playing with his hair. He then woke and kissed me. We kept laying down there and just messing around with each other. I then got up and got ready for the day. Emilio also went to his room to get ready. So I took a shower and changed into this

I then put on my ring that Emilio gave me

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I then put on my ring that Emilio gave me. I then go outside my room and into Emilio's and Ivan's room.
T/ "Hey guys,"
I/ " Hey Tessa,"
E/ " Hey babe"
We started to call each other babe now. It's a little new but I will get use to it.
T/ "Can you come with me to find the kitchen,"
E/ "Ya let's go,"
T/ "Ivan are you coming?"
I/ "Sure why not,"
So we went down these stairs and we found our self in the theater room. So we then saw a door and went thru it. Now we were outside with the pool. We then went thru another door and now we were in the living room.
I/ "We really need a map,"
E/ "No kidding,"
We then took a right and we were in the kitchen
T/ "Finally,"
So we sat down and we realised that we have no food. We just moved in.
T/ "We have no food remember,"
E&I/ " Ughhh,"
So we decided to go to the store. After some turns we found the garage. I went to the store with Emilio and bought a bunch of things. We then went back home and cooked some things. We finally ate and it was delicious. Me and Emilio were hanging out in the living room.

Emilio POV

So me and Tessa were hanging out in the living room. Then Ivan came downstairs while me and Tessa were kissing.
I/ "Get a room,"
T&E/ "Hahahahah,"
Then the door bell rang
I/ " I'll get it,"
Unknown/ "Hi I'm looking for Jake Paul,"
Me and Tessa got up and walked to the door.
I/ "Hi there umm come in,"
Unknown/ "Thank you umm,"
I/ "Ivan,"
Unknown/ "Well thank you Ivan I'm Valerie,"

Ivan POV

So I went to go open the door and saw a beautiful girl there. We started talking. Her name was Valerie and she was looking for Jake. Jake then came down and took her to his office.
T/ " Ooo Ivan has a girlfriend ,"
I/ "Really we just met,"
T/ " So when I saw your brother I knew he was the one,"
E/ " Awww,"
I/ "Whatever,"
So I went to my room and just looked at my phone. I then got bored and decided to look around the house. As I was walking around I saw Valerie.
I/ "Hey,"
V/ "Hey Ivan
I/ "You lost?"
V/ "Ya you,"
I/ "Yup,"
V/ "Well then call someone to come and find us,"
So I called Chance

Hey Chance can you come and find me

Ya sure man I'm on my way

Convo needed

So me and called he waited until we heard someone open the door. It was Chance he came.
C/ "Hey Iva- oh hi there I'm Chance nice to meet you."
V/ "Hi I'm Valerie,"
I/ "Come on guys ,"
So Chance lead us they way to the living room while talking to Valerie.

Emilio POV

So me and Tessa were going to set up Ivan and Valerie. So they came in, but Chance was talking to Valerie and Ivan just watching them. So Tessa called Valerie.

Tessa POV

So I called Valerie over.
T/ "Hey Val
V/ "New name I like it, so what's up.
T/ " Do any boy in your mind?"
V/ "Actually I was thinking about Chance."
T/ "What, well I mean if you like him go for it. But I'm just warning you I went out for him and he cheated on me. "
V/ " He did,"
T/ "Ya, but if you want to for it."

Valerie POV

So Tessa told me Chance cheated on her when they were dating. Tessa then left and Chance came up to me.
C/ "Hey,"
V/ "Hey,"
C/ " So are you free Friday night?"
V/ " Actually I'm not free,"
C/ "Oh what are you doing,"
V/ " Umm I'm
Then Tessa came
T/ " She is going on a date with Ivan,"
V/ " Yup I'm going on a date with Ivan."
C/ " I never knew you and him were dating,"
V/ " Ya we are dating,"
V/ " Ivan come here
He came here and I grabbed his shirt and kissed him. He kissed me back while Chance was just watching.

Ivan POV

So she grabbed my shirt and kissed me. I kissed her back. We pulled away and Emilio and Tessa were all squealing.

A/N: Happy Halloween guys hope you had an awesome Halloween. Comment down what you dressed up as. I dressed up as a pink lady. Okay well got to go bye✌🖐🦄💩❤

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