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1 week later

Tessa POV

So it's been awkward with me and Emilio. He doesn't talk to me anymore. And Chance is starting to worry about me just because I am starting to eat a lot. I mean I am a girl I can eat whatever I want. But when I woke up today I went straight to the bathroom and just threw up. This was beging to happen to me constant. I called Erika and she came to help me.
Rik: Are you okay
T: Well apparently not
Rik: Are you sure you are not...
T: Noo I'm not 
Rik: Okay I'm just asking
So I got cleaned up and went downstairs. I saw Emilio cooking down breakfast. So I sat down and he asked
E: How would you like your eggs
T: Over medium pls

Emilio POV

So I went downstairs to cook breakfast since no one was going to cook. So I hear someone come downstairs. I then just ask
E: So how do you want tour eggs?
But when that person spoke I knew who it was it was Tessa.
T: Over Medium
So I didn't want to be rude so I did what she asked me to do. I finished making her eggs then I put it on her plate. She just smiled at me and said thanks.
T: Hey can you make me more please
As I was about to go make her eggs Chance came in
C: No don't make her more Emilio
T: What why I want more
C: Tessa look at you, you are eating a lot
T: Well that's because I am hungry
C: But you also have been throwing up, we should go to the doctor or at least take a test.
T: Why does everyone keep bringing it up, I'M NOT PREGNANT!!!!!
T: Emilio make me more eggs
C: No Emilio don't
T: Ugh I'm done
And she just left. Chance seemed upset.
C: Can you see where she is going
So I went to go see where Tessa was going. She was walking really fast.
E: Hey Tessa where are you going
T: To find somewhere, where I can eat peacefully

Tessa POV

So Chance and I were arguing about me eating in front of Emilio. I got really mad and walked out. I then hear footsteps. 
E: Hey Tessa where are you going
T: To find somewhere, where I can eat peacefully
E: Tessa they are just worried
T: Ya I know but why do they have to bring up pregnancy
E: I don't know maybe because that's the symptoms for pregnancy
I then stopped so did Emilio I looked at him and said
T: But I know I'm not pregnant, I don't want to be pregnant
I said as I start to tear up
E: Tessa the only way to make sure is if you take the test or go to the hospital.
T: But, what if I am pregnant
E: Then you should be happy that you having a child
I just start crying and Emilio hugs me.
E: Come on please take go to the doctor
T: Fine
So we go back to the house and I call Erika

Emilio POV

So I got Tessa to go to the docter. We left to the house. Once we got there she went up to her room and called Erika. I was looking for Chance and I couldn't find him anywhere. So I decide to tell him later. I was waiting in the living room for Tessa to come back from the hospital. I was so nervous. What if the women I love has a baby with an other guy that's not me. How will I feel about the baby.

Tessa POV

So I called Erika to meet me in my room.
Rik: Hey what's up
T: We are going to the hospital
Rik: Finally come on let's go
So I grab my stuff and head to the car. Erika drives me to the hospital once we got there.
HL: Hello how may I help you
T: Hi can I get a regular check up
HL: Sure, come right this way
So we followed the hospital lady whoooo did it once but never again. If it is Chance what about Emilio. He would be heartbroken that I am having a baby with Chance. Then the nurse came in the room.
N: Hello there my name is Alexa and I will be your nurse today. How may I help you
Rik: Hi there my name is Erika and this is Tessa. We came her today because Tessa has been feeling well not well.
N: Oh okay what are the symptoms
T: Well I have been vomiting and eating way more than I usually do.
N: Oh okay well can you come and lay on the bed
So I got out of my chair and laid down. The nurse came and touched my stomach. She then put this gel on my stomach and got this little machine. She plugged it into the TV. I just closed my eyes as she put this little machine on my stomach. She then unplugged the machine and put my shirt down. I got up and she was putting the machine away.
Rik: So what's wrong with her
N: Well Ms. Brooks here is 2 month pregnant.
Rik: What she is
I just heard the word pregnant and started to cry. I can't be pregnant I'm 18. I didn't know if I was crying out of happiness or sadness. Erika just came and hugged me. As the nurse was leaving I had one more question.
T: Wait who is the father.
N: If you want to know we could run some test if you want.
T: Yes please
So then she left and came back with a needle. She cleaned my arm and took the blood out. She then put it into a little plate.
N: This will take a while
T: How long
N: About 20 minutes
T: Okay then can we wait
N: Sure
So she left and we waited in the room.
Rik: Wait you don't know who the father is. I thought it was Chance
T: It might be Chance but we did it long ago
Rik: Wait so did you ever do it with someone else?
T: I don't know, I can't remember doing it with someone else
Rik: Wait so is it possible for that baby to be Chance' s kid
T: Ya maybe
Then it got quite again. I didn't say anything else. The only thing I can think of is how am I going to tell everyone I am pregnant. I guess I was thinking for a while because then this other nurse came in with an envelope
N: Hi I am Cassidy, nurse Alexa is on her brake right now so I came to deliver this. Congrats
T: Thank you
So we left to the hospital and got in the car. I went in the back while Erika is driving. As we were almost getting to the house I decide to open the envelope. I carefully open it so I won't rip the paper inside it. I take out the paper which was folded. Then the door opened. We were here I got out of the car and walked to the door. While I was walking I unfoldedthe paper. I slowly read it and it said that the father is...

Emilio POV

I was getting worried because Tessa has been gone for 2 hour already and has not came back. I also couldn't find Chance. So I texted him
E: Hey Chance where are you
C: Hey I went painballing with Tony
E: Oh ok when will you be back
C: We will be back in like 20 minutes
E: Okay
As I turned off my phone Tessa comes in with Erika
E: Hey so how did it go
Rik: She is 2 months pregnant
E: What really that's wonderful I'm so happy for you and Chance
I was just pretending, but hey as long as she is happy I am happy.

Tessa POV

So I read the paper as I walked in. I looked up and Emilio was there. How am I going to tell him the news.
E: Hey so how did it go
Rik: She is 2 months pregnant
E: What really that's wonderful I'm so happy for you and Chance
T: Umm Emilio can I talk to you for a sec privately
E: Ya sure what's wrong
I then sit down and signal him to sit down too.
T: Emilio I don't know how to tell you this, but you are the father of this baby.
I then start to cry. He is just shocked he looked at me and hugged me.
T: I'm sorry Emilio, I don't know how this happened. Im sorry I dragged you into this mess.
Then Chance came in
C: Hey what's wrong
T: Chance I got to tell you something
C: Okay what is it
T: I'm um pregnant
C: What that's amazing
T: No Chance it's not
C: What why
T: Chance Emilio is the father of this baby
He just stood their frozen he looked at Emilio and got up. He went up to him and punched him.

Emilio POV

So Tessa went to tell Chance that he is not the father. When he realizes that I was he stood their frozen he looked at me and went up to me and punched me. I could here Tessa screaming for help and Chance yelling at me. Finally someone got Chance off me. I didn't know who it was. Then I see Tessa coming up to me.
E: Tessa
E: Tessa
Then everything goes black.

A/N: Wow did this take you by surprise or did you see this coming. So if you want to get a sneek peek on what's going to happen in the next chapter. All you have to do is vote for this chapter and follow me on Wattpad. The first 5 people to do it will get a sneek peek on the next chapter well that's all bye✌✌🖐🖐💩

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