Chapter 2:You May Think You Know Someone...

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Chapter 2: You May Think You Know Someone Upon Glance However Do Not Get Caught Up In That Trance.

"Hello" I said awkwardly to the driver as I sat inside the Mercedes.

He just nodded. Well... this is not awkward at all.

"You don't like to talk sir?"I asked and I saw the edges of his lips lift slightly.

"It's not preferred... but I just want to say that no one has ever called me sir... Thankyou" he spoke sweetly and I mentally awed.

The old man seemed genuinely surprised and happy.

"Why haven't you?"I curiously asked.

"I'm a driver... people don't see me as a person— except for you and—"he spoke casually until he stopped in realisation. "Sorry I should stop talking now"

"I understand how you feel... what is Mr Blake like?"

He didn't reply. Instead he sent me an apologetic smile.

I huffed.

About 6 hours after we arrived.
The sky had shifted from a cobalt blue into a deep burnt almond shade with hues of purple interlaced.

About 2 hours in I got tired and the driver, who's name he did not tell me, bought me some McDonalds. He spoke of the generous Dean telling him to make sure I had eaten at the start and then when I arrived ate dinner with them.

I thought it was a bit odd. Normally us bodyguards didn't get to know our clients or eat with them, we would eat a meal standing up and protecting them.

Perhaps it an introduction thing.

Despite how dark it was, I could see the beautifully lit house. Perfected by the neatly placed flowers sitting on either sides.

I was frozen till the driver closed the door behind me and walked up to the entrance.

Oh god.

"Hello Miss Tomwell, if you could follow me..."A deep voiced man in his late 20's called out to me as he adjusted his tie.

"Yes of course" I spoke out and sent him a smile which he returned as I followed him down the hallway.

At the end of the hallway there was an oak coloured door.

"He's down there..."He said and opened the door for me. He's not coming down with me? Well...

"Don't be worried it's just that we doesn't let anyone go down there but he told us you could since your his bodyguard" He smiled out as he noticed my weariness and ran a hand through his stunning ginger hair.

"Okay Thankyou"

I walked down the staircase and my eyes fixated on the colourful paint splatters on the walls. There were various paintings and drawings and they took my breath away. I never admired art as much as I was now.

This guy is amazing.

Somehow these pictures felt comforting and extraordinary. I loved this room.

Then I realised Mr Blake was painting. All that was visible was his well defined back through his shirt.

He paused and turned to face me.

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