Chapter 10: If Someone Hurts Themselves..

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Chapter 10: If Someone Hurts Themselves And You Run Towards Them... That Person Is Important In Your Life. Unless You Run Towards Them To Laugh In Their Face. Then You Know. That Person Is Your Friend. And You're Not A Good One. *TUT*

Is this what he meant? About female bodyguards? No women are like this... are they?

Dean just looked at me. Asif he could see.. he burned holes into me. I grew hot under his watch.

Stop it.

"So... is it okay if I touch your face to see what you look like?"He muttered.

Why was I still here? Why did I feel like he wanted me to stay here?

Most importantly: where is my bag that I came to get?

She eagerly nodded and finished unbuttoning her shirt. Sorry... what? I'm confused? Why has she-

As Dean finished, rather quickly, touching her face Isabel did something that made my stomach turn.

"I want you to feel all of me so you have a good image of how your bodyguard looks"She smiled out.

She placed her hands over Deans. She made him slide them down her boobs and down her stomach until he suddenly pulled away.

"What are you doing?!"Dean exclaimed angrily. Looking disgusted.

"Just... wanted to give you the full experience" she said innocently.

I felt sick. Not because of what I saw. Well.. partly because of that. But because I had done the same thing. I had put my hands over his. I felt-- embarrassed, ashamed... had I seemed desperate? I was just like the others. Like Isabel.

I hope someone understands how I'm feeling?

I had to leave. I can't stay. I can't face Dea- Mr Blake again.

"I didn't want to touch you there! Isobel you're fired. Please go!"He shouted angrily.

She stormed away. Without seeing me and after the door slammed shut.. I ran up to stairs to go away too.

"Luna!"Dean shouted. But I was not stopping now. I was getting my bag and then I was gone.

I quickly asked Martin if he knew where it was and he said it's most likely in Mr Blakes room. Oh yeah! I remembered I had put it in there.

I went to that room as fast I could without seeming weird.

I just didn't want to see Mr Blake.

I went into the room and saw the blue bag lying on the floor next to my bed.

I smiled a little then heard the door open and shut.


I put the bag on my shoulder and stayed as still as possible. I know this is dumb. I know this is rude. But I could do anything to get out at this moment.

He walked towards me and I tiptoed past him. He didn't suspect anything.

He carried on walking towards where I picked up the bag.

"I see what you're doing"He whispered and I smiled challengingly.

He wanted to speak so he knew where I was.

"You know... I hated touching her" He continued as I continued to tiptoe. Holding in my breath too since I knew he would catch me.

"I know what you think about yourself and it's not true okay? I wanted to touch you. Bad. I'm not going to lie and say that I still don't want to. This sounds weird... I don't want you to leave. But you're going to anyway because you're Luna"

I stopped in my steps. My heart fluttered at his words. I was still going to go that was true. But what he said. The same I could say for him.

Then he smiled a little. "Still not going to let me find you? Well then... I'll up my game..."

At this I wanted to run towards the door because his smile said it all.

But he would catch me. So I continued tiptoeing and holding my breath.

"Ow!"He hissed in pain as his head came in contact with the wall and I heard a thud.

My feet ran.

"I'm sorry! Shit..."I turned him around so he was looking at me and scanned his forehead. My hands on either side of his face.

He started to chuckle cutely. His hands going over mine.

Then I realised. Oh how stupid am I?

"You're a dick"I mumbled and sat on the bed. My arms crossed.

He sat on the bed next to me and looked at me.

"Listen-" he started but then Martin came in with a white envelope.

He looked at me briefly before saying, cautiously "another one. It's getting out of hand"

Dean immediately stood up and opened the envelope.

There were no writing but these little bumps that made letters and words.

Dean ran his fingers over it and for the first time I saw fear in his eyes. I wanted it to go away.

Before I could see or understand the bumps Dean scrunched it up and tossed it in the bin.

"Don't worry"he mumbled to Martin and he left; frustrated at Dean.

"What was that?" I asked Dean. Worried.

"Nothing" he spoke shortly and went into the bathroom.

"Shower me?"He spoke from behind it and I nodded.

I guess I just got my job back.

After he closed the bathroom door my hand went straight into the bin. I took it and felt over it with my fingers. It said 'you need to pay for what your father did... hurry up or everyone you love dies.. including her'

Anger boiled inside me. Who was this bastard? I was going to get him. When I did...wait. Who's 'her'?

After I had showered Mr Blake I went to Martin and asked him about it. He hesitated at first but then he told me.

Deans father was a business man. He was a bad father. A bad person. Dean left him when he was 16 and started doing Art and paintings. He earned his way up and now he's a famous artist.

Now a weirdo has been sending him threatening letters for over a month now because his father did something to the person behind the letters and now he wants payback.Dean knows he's running out of time and everyone tried tracing the letters back and everything they could to find him but they can't find anything. Dean although he doesn't show it, he is scared. Not of what the envelope person will do to him but what he will do to those he loves, if he doesn't do what he wants. And what that is no one knows but Dean.

Well.. shit.

I'm going to find him. Or her.

When I do. Hell Is going to break loose.

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