Chapter 19: The Journey Begins

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Chapter 19: The Journey Begins

I woke up naturally, without my alarm going off and I felt great. That was the best sleep I had in a long time.

As my eyes adjusted to the brightness, I saw him. His ruffled hair, his closed eyes, his long eyelashes. I smiled.

My arm had somehow been around his chest while his was around my waist, one of his legs was even on top of mine ensuring I did not move.

"Good morning" he whispered sweetly and opened his eyes.

"Good morning" I spoke back smiling.

I checked the clock behind him. 10AM. "Oh shit" I thought outloud and suddenly sprang up and sat on the edge of the bed. This caused him to also sit up but he sat behind me and put his head in my neck.

"'s 10AM Dean"I said and he just shrugged.

"You had a meeting with someone for your art exhibit at 9, and now you have another one at 10:15AM" I explained so he would get up. But he didn't. He just shrugged again.

"I'll cancel them... it doesn't matter" he whispered against my skin and my head fell back. Partly to give him more room to touch but partly because I was annoyed at him for not taking this seriously.

He smiled against my skin.

"Come on Dean"I said. Standing up and he moaned like a child.

He ended up cancelling his meetings for the day anyway and insisted we do some shopping. I was looking forward to styling him for the day, he said he wants me to pick an outfit for him. Well what he actually said was "Luna... dress me like a man you would want to have sex with, and love and marry..." he's such a weirdo. But I told him that Diana would do all of those things in the clothes he normally wears. But he was persistent.

I had just exited the house with him as he locked the door behind me.

This van came driving down the pathway. My gut told me to run.

"Dean... go back inside now" I seriously spoke and his face clouded with protectiveness. He held my hand and tightly gripped it.

"Come on Luna" he dragged me as he unlocked his door. This week was the one where all the security guards had to go to training so I was the only one here to protect Dean today.

"Dean listen to me, go inside, lock the door, make sure all the windows are locked and don't worry about me okay? I don't know what's going to happen but I need you to be safe, as long as you are I don't care what happens to me" I said and he refused to move.

The van started to get closer.

"I do care and I'm not going into the house unless you are too"

"Dean I can't risk them getting in the house I need to protect you... please... if you care about me you'll go inside and do what you are told"

He seemed to struggle with what to do so I did the only thing I could think of. I pushed him inside, grabbed his keys and locked the front door. After I did this I quickly shoved the keys under the doormat so when help came for Dean they could get in.

"Luna! Please let me out! Come inside! Luna!"He shouted. Worry in his voice. He was scared for me.

Five men came out the van. Wearing black masks. Fuck sake.

I got my gun out. "Nobody move or I will shoot every single one of you dickheads"

One of them laughed "ooo hear that tongue boss... we like a feisty chick" the others started to laugh.

"Fuck you" I spat out. "Who are you and what do you want?"

"Honey all we came to get is you..."


"No" I stated and one of them started to laugh. Hard. So I shot him. In the foot.

He screamed and the other men now had their guns on me.  Well shit. I'm out gunned.

"Shut up you idiot that's what you get" the boss man said to him.

Dean continued banging on the door. Screaming for me to let him out. He even tried running out the back but I made sure before we left to go shopping that was safe so no one could jump over it.

"Get in the van or that annoying twat is going to get shot" one of the guys spoke seriously and I knew they were not lying. Dean had opemed a window to try and get out  and one of the guys put the tip of his gun through.

My heart stopped.

"Okay" I said.

"Luna no! Luna don't you dare, I'll be fine!" his screaming had made his voice break, I could hear how much he wanted me next to him. His banging had slowed and I knew he knew my decision.

I started walking to the van, they took my gun, my taser and everything I could hurt them with...except my arms and legs.. off of me.

"I'll be back Dean... Id like eggs in the morning" I shouted. Smiling slightly but it was one from sadness. In reality I knew I would come back to him but when I did not know.

"Fuck sake! Luna for fuck sake! Come back..." He shouted angrily and I could hear his kicking and punching time we drove away. I hated this because I knew that he felt helpless.

Two of the masked men sat at the front and three at the back, including the guy with the bleeding foot.

"You know you should see a doctor about that" I retorted and he angrily got up and pulled my hair. Owch.

I didn't let my pain show.

"Shut the fuck up or I will kill you"

I laughed " no you won't because you could've killed me there but you didn't"

He kicked the van wall in annoyance.

"Shut up"

"So why did you guys kidnap me?"I asked the others as the guy let go of my hair.

They just smiled weirdly at each other.

"We knew you wouldn't be scared" one of them muttered.

I was scared.

"Well we found out that this Blake guy is rich so we're going to ransom you for all of his money.... once he gives it to us, he'll have nothing and we'll be rich"

What the fuck am I supposed to do?

"Oh don't worry sweetheart we just do as we're told by the higher, this isn't going to end after. Well our part will but not Blakes fate of suffering"

"What are you talking about?"

"Well since you're probably going to die anyway... our higher is someone who Blakes dad screwed with and he's not happy about it. So he came up with a plan. Kidnapping you was only the beginning" the threatening letters. It made sense.

"So boss man that's driving is the higher?"

He laughed. "No of course not"

"Then who is?"

"You ask a lot of questions" the boss man spoke as he opened the back of the van to let us all out. Of course five guns were pointed at me as they made me walk into this warehouse that was empty.

Here we go.

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