Chapter 11: They Say When You're Really Tired...

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Chapter 11: They Say When You're Really Tired One May Behave As If They Were On Drugs Or Drunk. Does That Apply To You? Because I Have Never Related To Something This Much.

We were getting ready for bed and I knew I needed to tell him.

"Mr Blake?" I said as I sat down on my bed. Dean sat down opposite me on his bed as I said that.

"Yes Luna"He replied, smiling slightly.

I looked down because I was ashamed to admit to him what I had done.

"I-i erm- I read the letter you got after you chucked it in the bin, I'm sorry" I blurted out and quickly glanced at his face.

"LUNA FOR FUCK SAKE-" he shouted. Oh no. I knew I should not have. But I had to.

"I-" I tried to speak but he cut me off.


"I'm joking babe, it's fine I knew you would, even though I would've liked it if you didn't know" he breathed out grinning as he was laughing.

My eyes widened.

"Dean! You scared the life out of me!"I leaned forward and smacked his leg.

He smiled and I smiled back.

But then my smile dropped.

"Do you have any idea who the letters are from?"I asked seriously and he shook his head.

"If I knew I wouldn't still be getting the letters, my father was horrible; I was only a kid when he ruined plenty of lives and it could be any of them... but it's okay, we'll find him or her"He spoke hopefully and I prayed that he was right.

"Last question" I spoke and he smiled "who is her? In your letters it said that everyone dies, including her?"

At this his smile dropped, momentarily but it reappeared.

"Well I'm assuming he or she's talking about my girlfriend, I didn't want to introduce her to you like this; you were going to meet her tomorrow" he spoke casually.

I felt sick. I made him touch me even though he had a girlfriend... I put my hands over his and made him go down my neck-

I felt sickened at myself. And towards him. "I wanted to touch you" he said to me earlier.

No it's a good thing.

What, Luna are you okay?

Yes. It's a good thing because now I know that there was nothing between us and- yeah: it's a good thing.

I smiled back at him.

"That's great, I'm excited, how long have you two been in a relationship?"

There was a pause. He seemed surprised. I expected him to answer in but he just kept looking at me.

"I-erm- about- about 2 years" he stuttered out and I smiled. That's a long time. Definitely means he loves her.

Keep smiling Luna.

You're fucking crazy.

"Okay well goodnight" I smiled out and he stayed sitting in his position.

"Mr Blake?"

He looked confused and had a thinking face on.

I leaned towards him and put my hand on his leg and shook him to life again.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Oh- I - sorry-yeah- I was just thinking about how I haven't seen her in 6 months" he quickly said and now I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion-egging him to explain.

"She became my girlfriend when I met her at my art exhibit, she's from Australia though so soon after I saw her(as In touched her face) she returned back to Australia and before going said I was her boyfriend. She and I call each other once in a while and she comes to visit"

What a weird relationship.

"You love her?" I asked, curious about their relationship and how this has gone on for two years.

There was a slight pause.

"It's getting late, goodnight Luna"he smiled out. Then unintentionally kissed my cheek.

....erm. Help.

He snuggled up in his bed while I sat there. He just randomly kissed my cheek.

I started laughing. Not in a 'this is funny' kind of way but a 'what the fuck is happening' kind of way.

Dean turned to face me and started laughing with me.

"Sorry I really don't know why I did that"He laughed out and I smiled.

"It's fine, goodnight Mr Blake"

"Goodnight baby"

....erm. My heart was beating out of my chest.

"Fuck! Sorry! I don't know what's wrong with me"He immediately said and I laughed.

In a 'that was funny' and 'what the fuck' kind of way.

"I think you're just tired and excited for your girlfriend to come"

"Well you got one thing right" he mumbled off as he dozed off.

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