Chapter 23:This Was Clearly A Mistake

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Chapter 23: This Was Clearly A Mistake

Two months had went passed now since Dean told me he loves me. I let Dean assume I don't reciprocate the feelings he has for me. But the truth is I did. I did so much. But luckily, we remained as close as we were before and I still urged him to go have sex with Diana and made him look as sexy as possibly for her, showering him went as usual and we still went out for lunch quite a lot too. However there were some changes.

I had to let Dean move on so that I could continue protecting him. Because no matter how much I love him, I could never watch him get hurt. I knew I was a good bodyguard and if we were together and he had to replace me I wouldn't be sure that they were willing to risk how much I am to keep him safe and alive. We were all still trying to find out who this 'higher' was too. But we were getting no where.

Recently, he had been getting more touchy-feelings with Diana though.

"Good morning" he said as he walked into the living room where I was sat drinking coffee.

"Morning, you sleep okay in Diana's room?" He was also doing that much more. Was he trying to get away from me? Or was he falling in love with Diana? Both questions hurt me.

"Yes" he lied. I could tell when he was lying.

I missed him coming into my bed because he was cold and holding me. I missed waking up to see his face. Which he did sometimes now but not as much as he used to.

Then Diana entered. "You look nice" I complimented her because she always looked amazing. Wow. Can not believe some people have such genes.

"Yeah babe you look hot" Dean commented and I smiled at his joke.

She giggled "of course I do" she then sat on his lap with her legs wrapped around his chest and put his hands over her breasts.

I'm literally opposite them? Did they forget I'm sitting here.

"Mmmm that feels good baby..." she moaned/ screamed out.

She then started grinding her lower half against his.

Are they going to have sex right here? Oh dear lord. This is not normal. I'm standing right here.

Dean wasn't reacting though until he asked "Luna you here still?" And I replied an "unfortunately" with this he then put his hands around her waist started kissing her neck passionately.

I thought he was going to stop and that's why he asked if I was there. Not start touching her! This is ridiculous.

Okay I'm going to drive myself insane. I took my coffee mug, sighed loudly and left.

As I left I heard Diana's moans/screams stop. Have I finally gone deaf? But then I heard Dean "sorry babe but I have to go I have a call meeting"

No he does not.

The images of how Dean held her and was kissing her neck were driving me insane though. This had been building up for weeks now.

I didn't start my shift officially until 11 today because Dean had pushed back the hours I need to be with his dumb ass. So that was my reasoning for...

Screw this. I needed to stop thinking about both of them. So I grabbed a bottle of vodka and poured myself a shot of it. I don't drink. But I want to. Just for a day. Just in this moment. To help me forget. Since I don't drink though I'm probably a lightweight which means I shouldn't drink this. Plus this is unprofessional.

Dean running his hands over Diana's body. Him kissing her neck. Oh fuck it.

I took the shot glass and in an instant drank it's bitterness. I exhaled loudly and smiled. I don't even feel drunk! So, I did another shot. And just one last one.

Nothings going to happen. I don't feel any different...

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