Chapter 20: When The Words Are Spoken They Can't...

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Chapter 20: When The Words Are Spoken They Can't Be Taken Back. So Stay Quiet. Please.

They put me in a chair and tied me to it. Dumb but great as I could move the chair if I wanted. But the amount of Cameras pointed at me made that hard.

One mistake they made was that they didn't blindfold me. They didn't put earplugs in my ears or anything. So I knew the directions from Deans house to the warehouse. It was simple memory play where I mentally noted every right turn with an R, every left turn with a L and every U turn with a U. The pauses between them being the van driving straight forward.

So what I had memorised was: R,R,L,R,L,L,R,U,L,L,R,R,R,R.

I just had to get this across in the video they were currently trying to get me to film. And also perhaps mention I was in a warehouse.

"No funny business. Ask for £4 million and say you're scared and that you miss him. Also tell him that if he tells anyone about this, we will kill you and that he also has 5 days to give us the money" a man with a mask shouted at me.

The thing that was worrying was that Dean was blind. No shit Sherlock. So if I did the direction movements with my eyes he wouldn't see it. Somehow I had to tell him without actually telling him.

I needed time to figure this out and this man was breathing down my neck to start filming.

Here goes nothing.

"Hi Dean. I was right and you were right. We should've never left the house. At least I got you to go right back in...I left you but I won't return until you give these guys £4 million. I miss you. God— I wish I never left. Right... let's just say I'm scared of these people.Y-You turned me into such a brave woman but I'm left to face reality. They will kill me. You have five days left to do the right thing. Please Dean do what's right and the right thing to do is to do as they say. Listen to what I'm saying Dean...please.Right... beware Dean... Please... beware"

I studied the guys eyes and he seemed to believe it was okay. He mumbled good job and went out of the room. I sighed in relief. I hope he gets the message.

4 days had passed now. They had sent the video out two days ago and I was hopeful Dean got the message and I was happy, if he did, he didn't come and rescue me like an idiot (straight away). I wanted him to have a plan, involve people even though they said not too. I don't care if I live or die honestly, I just want these people to pay for what they are doing to Dean.

Today, mostly I slept and and they fed me cheap noodles, not enough to fill me up but enough for me to barely survive throughout the day. Due to this I was tired all the time.

However; one of the guys smacked my head and my eyes shot open.

"What the fuck man!"I angrily shouted and he just smirked. Disgusting.

He ran his hands through my hair while I gagged.

"Well your boyfriend wanted to talk to you but I guess I won't let you now"

My heart leapt out of my chest. Dean.

"He demanded to talk to you to make sure you're alive so that he can give us the money... but I guess he'll never know"

I laughed bitterly "Shut the fuck up, he has to talk to me or you guys won't get your money so stop chatting shit and pass me the phone"

Now he looked pissed. But he knew I was right. He slapped me across the face. Mother— I heard Deans voice shouting angrily through the phone.

The boss man shouted at the guy that had slapped me and ordered him to place the phone between my shoulder and neck as I pressed it to my ear.

"Luna...Luna..." he spoke softly and broken.
I sighed in happiness when I heard his voice and he knew "hi... are you okay? Did they hurt you? I swear to you I'm gonna kill those bastards... I miss you so much... I'm coming I promise... speak please... I need to hear your voice" I bit my lip to stop my eyes from watering too much.

"Hi handsome..." I spoke the same way he had. It was unintentional the way my voice broke from happiness and sadness when I talked to him. "I'm okay... nothing I can't handle... I miss you too... so much" As much as I tried to hide it, he heard the weakness in my voice and the lethargy due to how they were treating me. I could hear him struggling to talk as he was holding in something.. maybe tears.

"Have they-hav- have they touched you?" I could hear his anger arising.

I smiled and laughed a little "this is me you're talking to, I shot one of those men in the foot for laughing"

He chuckled a little and I smiled.I could tell it was the first time since I was gone he had even smiled remotely.

"30 seconds!" The guy shouted and tapped his watch.

"You saw the video?"I asked, implying at a little secret between us.

"Loud and clear baby... don't worry I'm coming to get you, I will give up everything for you"
He said seriously.

"You don't have to... I don't care if I live or die Dean... you just make sure these guys get caught, and you better not give up a penny"

The guy watching me laughed loudly at the idea of them getting caught.

"Luna... I would give my life for you... baby... I just really need to tell you beautiful— I think l-"

The guy took the phone off of me and ended it.

"Dick" I muttered to the guy.

Speaking to Dean made me smile with joy even when I was being force fed cheap noodles again and dehydrated from the lack of water they gave me.

When I talked to him all I felt was warmth in this freezing cold room, food in my stomach and tea gliding down my throat. I saw his smile, his laugh, his eyes, the way he wrapped his arms around me, the way he called me baby.

The thing about him was that, I always wanted to stop him from calling me baby but really I never wanted him to stop. It felt natural when we talked... it didn't involve thinking; I could tell we never said it purposely.

Then my mind wondered back to what Dean was going to say when the guy cut the call. If he were to have said it would it have changed a thing? Would it have made things worse and got in the way of my job? When I said it back... would it just result in pain? Or would I just deny it and deny him because he has a girlfriend and I am his bodyguard. Maybe more.

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