Chapter 15: Chapter 15: How To Get Out Of Any Situation...

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Chapter 15: How To Get Out Of Any Situation...Just Say: "I Need To Pee"

"—Rip it off of you"

"What did you say?"I asked as I was leaving the room.

"Oh nothing"

He definitely said something but I didn't catch it. Probably wasn't important.

"Okay well have fun I'll take my position"I said as I went to stand near the entrance.

"Luna" he called out and I turned around to face him. "That's not your duty today, tonight it's to have fun and just watch over me once in a while"

"What? Dean I'm prepared it's okay"

"I know and it's great but I have so much security today that it's fine for you to just relax and hopefully not use your gear because nothing will happen"

I stayed quiet for a while. I didn't know what to do with myself when I wasn't doing my job. Well, I'll have to have fun?

"Thank you" I smiled out and he nodded. I'm still keeping my gear on me. No risks.

After a while, I had drank 4 cups of apple juice, peed twice and was drinking my fifth cup of apple juice. I was bored to say the least.

I was standing at the bar and just looking at the people dancing. Noticing their carefree motions and happy statures.

Finally, a slow song came on and all the couples were being lead onto the dance floor. I smiled as I saw Diana lead Dean onto it.

It's time to show her our awesome dance moves.

He placed his hands on her hips instead of her waist! Why? I almost shouted it out.

As they danced Dean did not pull her as close as he did with me, he did not smile the way he did when he lifted me from the dip. But Diana was grinning happily.

He looked amazin-

"Hi! Nice to meet you I'm Oscar"A guy spoke in a deep voice and extended his hands towards mine. He was wearing a tux and had green eyes alongside wavy blonde hair.

I shook his hand "I'm Luna; Mr Blake's personal bodyguard, nice to meet you too"

He smiled.

"I couldn't help but notice that you're a beautiful woman who no one has asked to dance with yet, would you like to dance with me?"He spoke sweetly and it made me smile.

"Thank you but I-"

"Oh come on"

"Okay" as soon as he said that he grabbed my hand and lead me to the dance floor.

I went past Dean and Diana, as soon as I did Dean let go of Diana.


I stopped. "Yeah it's me, Oscar asked me to dance"

Dean then turned back to Diana.

A bit rude Dean.

Oscar put his hands on my waist and I put my arms around his neck. I felt nothing though.

As we danced to the slow music I could hear Dean and Diana's conversation as we were so close.

"Oscar is so cute, how do you know him?"Diana asked him quietly.

"Just a friend of a friend" he shortly replied seemingly desperate to change the subject.

"Well he is a fine gentleman! Not as fine as you but—" She spoke and then Oscar started talking to me.

"I know this is going to sound strange but... would you like to get out of this place? I know this really great restaurant about a twenty minute walk away"Oscar said.

Suddenly Dean had spun Diana into Oscar, starting a dance where couples were changing partners.

I quickly said "I'm sorry but, I can't leave my job" as Diana made him grab her waist he muttered "I hope I see you again".

Then Dean spun me around and roughly pulled me into him. My breath hitched in my throat.

"Hello" I smiled out and he chuckled.

"Hello, nice to see you again" he smiled out and we just smiled to each other as he wrapped his hands around my waist. Heat arose in my body.

I put my arms around his head and couldn't help but play with the bottom of his hair with my fingers. We weren't slow dancing anymore but just holding each other close and swaying as the song had changed.

I was so hot. We were so close. I don't know why he made me feel warm or weird but he did and I had accepted that.

He then put his forehead against mine. And his lips. His lips were so close to mine.


His breath was fanning my face. His sweet hot sexy breath-

"I need to pee" I suddenly whispered. "I'm sorry" I quickly took my arms off of him, took his hands off of my waist and rushed away to the bathroom.

I took deep breaths once I got in. What has gotten into me?


As I was about to leave someone pushed me against the bathroom wall and locked the door.

"What are you doing?" I snapped.

"Are you okay?" He asked seriously.

"Yes it's just- I just don't feel well" I lied.

He put his hand on my forehead as if he could tell if I had a fever. Which I didn't. I couldn't help but admire the concern in his eyes.

"Is that the only reason you came in here?" Dean asked searchingly.

"Well... there is another reason..."

"Please tell me" he whispered sweetly.

"To pee" I smiled out and he started to laugh. " you could've came in here while I was peeing! Have you no shame sir?!" I joked.

"I knew you weren't peeing and also you should've locked the door!" He complained and I ran my hands in his hair, ruffling it.

"Lets go"

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