Chapter 17: Intimacy Is Achieved When There Is Love...

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Chapter 17: Intimacy Is Achieved When There Is Love, Nothing Is Achieved When There Is Not.

"Good morning" I smiled out as I made some tea for myself in the kitchen.

"Morning Luna, you sleep okay?" Dean smiled out as he pushed his back against the counter with a cup of coffee in his hand and stared at me. It always fascinated me how I felt that he could see me when he couldn't. How I still felt conscious of the way I looked even though he was blind.

"Yes, you?" I spoke, walking towards him, taking the cup of coffee out of his hand. As I poured it down the sink, I put the kettle on for him again.

He grabbed my hand and pushed me against his chest.

"Hey!" He spoke faking annoyance. The amusement on his face was evident.

"There was a grey hair in your coffee Dean. I'm your bodyguard I can't let that happen" I smiled out, enjoying the way his body felt against mine.

I pulled away and made him another cup of coffee.

His smile never faded. "Thank you..."

But I saw something in his eyes. Something I'd seen only briefly before.

"Tell me" I said.

"Huh- I-nothin-"


He sighed a little. "Luna... I'm beginning to forget what I look like... I've got grey hairs now? God..." he spoke concerned.

I put my tea down.

"Hey!" I put my hand on his arm. "You don't even have any grey hairs I promise! It must have been someone else's...probably mine I have loads and I know I'm young"

He looked away from me. I could tell he was upset. Upset because he didn't know what he looked like properly.

"Okay, Dean meet me in your painting room in half an hour okay?"I said smiling.

He nodded.

Diana entered wearing a beautiful pink dress. How is she so gorgeous?

"Morning guys"

We responded and I told Diana how beautiful she looked today. She was so sweet.

Twenty minutes later I went down to the painting room. I put two chairs opposite each other and placed a blank canvas and Deans painting supplies infront of the opposite chair in which I would get Dean to sit.

As I finished doing that he came down the stairs, curiosity on his face. He sat where I told him too and I sat opposite him.

He felt the canvas and paint brushes infront of him in surprise.

"I'm going to describe you Dean... top to bottom and I want you to draw yourself as I describe. This way you will imagine the way you look perfectly because after I've described you I'll see at what you've painted and I bet it'll be what you look like, you won't forget the way you look ever again because whenever you think you're forgetting I'm going to describe you to you..." I smiled out and the smile on his face was heartwarming.

I thought I saw his eyes watering but then he placed the canvas infront of his face.

"Let's start with that hair of yours... " he picked up the paint brushes. "It's light brown, wavy and soft... there's not a single grey hair in your hair... your eyes are beautiful... they're light brown but there's specks of orange and gold in them... sometimes it looks like you have some green in your eyes too, your eyelashes are long and naturally curved... your lips... your lips are-" I suddenly felt awkward as he had stopped painting. I realised he had stopped a while ago and was just listening to me.

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