Chapter 7:When You Admire Someone...

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Chapter 7: When You Admire Someone... Not For Their Looks But Who They Are You Can't Help But See The World In A Perfect Light.

"Dad what the hell did you say?"I spoke as he picked up.

He paused. "What are you talking about?"

"What did you say to my boss when you called?"

He paused again. This time cursing under his breath.

"You didn't pick up the phone?"

Now I was frustrated. "Yes you would've known that when I didn't say hello! Now tell me"

"Well- errrm- shit. When he answered I thought it was you so I said hi angel and how's your baby sitting job going. Then I talked about a new job I have for you and how you can leave the incapable man now.. then I had to go because my colleague called me"


I took a moment to calm myself down.

I can't believe he said this.

"I can't believe you Dad... I would never say that about him. He's great. He's blind but he can do anything he wants... he's so smart... and I don't want that new job."I muttered as I ran a hand through my hair.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go...Wait he's blin-"

I hung up on him and his lack of focus or worry that he did this to me.

Now I know why he hates me. He has a damn right good reason to too. But I would've never taken that job or ever of said he's incapable.

I sighed heavily as I returned from my break to his bedroom door once again.

"You okay love?"Martin said smiling and I gave him a short nod.

I just needed a reason to talk to him.

When I saw him staring curiously at me I decided to speak.

"I'm just tired, ready for bed"I smiled out and he excitedly tapped his watch.

"Only 5 minutes left! I love having a bedroom to myself... oh sorry.."He muttered as he realised my face dropped. They informed me that I had to sleep in Mr Blakes room from now on for extra protection. I was saddened because unlike Martin it meant I didn't have my personal space.

But that's what I signed up for I guess.

"Times up! Goodnight sweetheart!"He cheered and placed a small peck on my cheek; then he left.

I knocked on Mr Blake's door and he said come in.

I already had my pjs on from after I showered him so I just slipped in the bed beside his,he was already in bed.

"Goodnight Sir"I muttered, figuring that tonight was not the best time to talk as he was tired.

When I heard no reply I turned my back to him and closed my eyes. Waiting to doze off.

I awoke randomly in the night and checked the time on my phone. It was 1am.

I looked towards Mr Blake who looked completely and utterly content. He looked so peaceful and happy when he slept. Unintentionally a smile placed on my face but then I saw that he was shivering.

Although he had a duvet over him, he seemed to be cold which made me worry.

I got up and tiptoed towards him.

I bit my lip in concern as I gently placed my hand on his head.

He was quite warm but it was nothing to worry about.

Then I scanned the room for another blanket or anything warm I could place over him to stop him shivering.

I saw no option but my own duvet.

As long as he's warm and doesn't get ill.

I got my own duvet and gently placed it over him so I didn't wake him up.

I made sure I then covered his feet and had it up to his neck and smiled as I saw him snuggle up to it and stop shivering a few moments later.

Then I quietly approached my own bed and lay down.

Although I was cold, which made it difficult for me to sleep anymore, I slept a little knowing that he was warm.

I woke up at 4:30 to get ready, it was hard getting up as my eyes stung with tiredness and I wanted to sleep for longer.

Wait. I was warm. I had no goosebumps like before. I had my duvet on top on me. What? How? Didn't I put this on Mr Blake.. or was that a dream?

No no. I definitely put it on him.

As I got up in confusion I mumbled my morning anthem.


Then I realised where I was and my brain went on full alert,my eyes widened.

I looked to see Mr Blakes bed empty. Why is he up so early?

Then I got worried. I'm meant to be his personal bodyguard and I don't even know where he is.

I quickly got ready and looked for him.
A security guard outside his door said he had went down into his basement. I sighed in relief and made my way down there too.

But then I saw it. And I needed to look away but I wanted to look more.

I squinted my eyes closed quickly, in surprise and-

Oh my god.

He was painting.


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Stay smiling you're beautiful💜❤️💛💚💙💖



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