Chapter 13: The Dance

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Chapter 13: The Dance

"Yes Mr Blake?" He had called me into his office the next morning as soon as I was ready.

He turned around in his chair and faced me.

Fixing his tie he stood up to close the door.

Erm. Okay. Well.

"Luna I need to ask for a favour"He spoke sternly and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Erm. Okay. I guess"

"Teach me how to slow dance I have two hours"



"Diana wants me to slow dance with her at the house party tonight and I agreed. So I have two hours to learn and then I have some meetings"

Oh I forgot about that party. Dean was having some artists and people he knew around to celebrate his latest art work.

Wait. Did he say I have to teach him?

I hardly know how to slow dance myself.

"Wow. Okay well I don't think I'm the best candidate-"

"No excuses we can't waste time so let's go up to the dance studio" he led the way out and up two flights of stairs.

I didn't even know this room existed but it was great. The view was amazing and the rooms walls were mirrors. Except for some column spaces between each rectangular piece of mirror for where the speakers were attached to the wall.

As I was stood in shock and perhaps awe Mr Blake put a song on quietly in the background. It was a slow dance song and it made weird things happen in my stomach.

He took off his blazer and chucked it on the floor as well as his tie and approached me. I was in a white blouse,trousers and heels so I didn't think I would need to remove anything.

"Okay well what do I do first?" Blake muttered and I stuttered which made him smile.

"Well- I- erm I guess, I'm not an expert I'm going off of movies and my imagination— okay well you place your hands on my waist or we could do the other slow dance where I put a hand on your shoulder then your hand goes in my other hand-" I mumbled.

Luna shut up.

"The waist one" he whispered and I nodded. You know what I had also realised...

His hair was messy today.

His hands then were placed on either side of my waist and I took a deep breath.

"Okay so I'm going to place my hands around your neck, is that okay?"

He nodded chuckling at my stupidity.

So I did do that and he pulled me into him. Too close. Too close. His nose and mine were nearly touching.

Listening to the soft music helped calm my nerves and actually imagine how I would dance in those movies where they slow dance.

I put my forehead against his and our breathes became one.

"So, step right, right,down,down-" he followed as I spoke. "Little steps— yes now go left,left, up and up" we both smiled as we did it correctly and I felt proud that I was doing this.

His grip tightened on my waist and I could feel his warm breath hit my skin. I would be lying if I said I hadn't forgotten everything else in the world.

I pulled away a little.  He looked so happy and comforted.

"Okay so now you remove your hand from my waist and take one of mine I step back, you pull me in and I twirl and dip"

"Okay..." he whispered and then cleared his throat.

We did just that, it was a little messy and rushed so we did it again a few more times.

"Slower Dean" I spoke and he pulled me in.

"Okay, I've got you" he smiled and I dipped in his arms, my leg went up and my hair fell back then he placed his hand at the back of my head and slowly brought my face up to his, I stood with him now, forehead to forehead. Both of us panting and smiling because we had done it. And it felt beautiful and great. It felt natural as we kept on doing it. His hands felt great. His smile felt great. It was great.

It had been an hour and a half now. And we were done.

"Maybe we could do it once more?" Dean smiled out and I had to decline, he had said that five times already and had wasted half an hour. We were having fun.

"Dean, you are going to be late to your meetings"

"I'll cancel them"

I started laughing. "No it's fine you're perfect at slow dancing now, I hope, Diana is going to love you"

"Okay fine" he spoke defeated. "Also, formal dress code tonight the colours are red,black and white" he said as he put his tie and blazer back on.

"Wait, are you saying I have to dress up?" I spoke as I fixed his wonky tie and sorted out his hair. He smiled. I waited for his reply.

"What? Oh erm- yes. All the security guards also have to wear suits or dresses. Your choice of which" he winked.

I rolled my eyes. "Where will I keep all my gear in case something happens"

"Be creative" he smirked out.

"Oh okay so I'll have two guns under my dress attached to my leg, some bullets and a taser on my inner thigh. A mini knife in my bra and perhaps I'll put another gun in-between both of my boobs!" I complained sarcastically.

He chuckled. "I would like to see that- but perhaps don't put the taser so close to your-you know, I don't want anything happening to it" and with that he left.

What? Anything happening to what-? Oh my god.

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