A new home

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(Nightmares pov)
I was making my rounds and after I was done I was walking around and I saw a small shadowy figure at the edge of the forest then I called out to it "Hello" I walked towards it and it moved back slowly till it was up against a tree then I saw it was a skeleton one smaller than me they had a fluffy jacket and one red eye and scratch on their face and they were scared "Well hello there" I said.They looked up at me "H-hi there..w-who are you?" He asked me "I'm nightmare the king of nightmares and who are you" I said raising two tentacles in the air just in case they attacked or ran away "I-I'm c-cross" he said I nodded and picked him up "Your coming with me" I said and carried him to home.
(Cross pov)
The gooey skeleton picked me up "Your coming with me" he said as he started walking towards a castle in the dark land and it had guards there that looked like gooey papyruses and he walked in with two other skeletons in the room "Hey boss" one said with a hole in his skull "hey" nightmare said back then a skeleton with black lines that went down his face looked at us and nudged the one beside him who had a eyes that were red but his left eye had blue in the middle and his hood up "Guys I want you to meet cross and cross this is.." he pointed at the one with a hole in his head "this is horror" he then pointed at the one with black lines "thats killer" and last he pointed at the one with eyes that were red but his left eye had blue in the middle "and thats dust" I waved and they waved back.I smiled and nuzzled my face into nightmares chest and yawned as he set me down on a couch "Get some sleep you need it" I nodded and fell asleep.
(Nightmare's pov)
He fell asleep as I looked at killer,Horror,and Dust "boys I don't want you to hurt him" I told them they nodded quickly as I went to my room and sat on my bed and changed into my weak form as then I heard footsteps come to my room as I looked at the door as killer came in saying "hey boss the ne-" he stopped talking,looked at me,and chuckled as I turned into my powerful form as he went out of the room mad as cross ran up to me and squeaked "Senpai" I looked at him "What did you say" I said as I raised a tentacle "I said senpai" he told me so I looked at Horror and Dust who were laughing there butts off I shook my head no as I picked up Cross "I'm not your senpai" I told him as I put him on the couch to rest as I sat next to him and closed my eyes.
Hey guys so here is the first chapter so enjoy

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