The accident

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I now am bringing the feels and a little hate into the on to the story.
(Cross pov)
I was walking around when I went to dust who looked tired "hey dust" I said he looked at me "heya" he said "whats wrong" I asked him "oh I couldn't sleep last night" he told me looking down "ok" I said then he smiled and said "hey is nightmare up yet" I looked at him "no" I told him "well..I dare you to wake him up and yell senpai" he said and I nodded "ok" I ran to nightmare's room and shook him "c-cross" he said as he looked at me "SENPAI" I yelled and ran as he opened a portal under me and it went strait into swapfell.I got up and looked around and a small skeleton who looked like blueberry but was wearing red instead of blue and had a scratch over his right eye came up to me "hello there" he said "h-hi" I said back as he looked at me "your not from here are you" he asked and I shook my head no "well since your another skeleton who looks weak I guess you are my pet now" he told me as my eyes widen "I-I'm not your p-pet" I told him then he tackled me and put a collar on me "yes you are" he said as I looked down.
(Nightmare's pov)
I looked at dust and his eyes was widen "uhh you just threw cross into swapfell.." my eyes widen suddenly from me realizing it "...uh oh" I looked around then opened a portal into swapfell and walked through it.I looked around "cross.." I called out to cross but no answer so I went into my passive form and walked to snowdin and went to swapfell sans house and knocked on the door and cross opened the door wearing a maid dress.He smiled and squeaked and hugged me "nightmare you came to get me" he whispered and I went into my aggressive form and picked cross up and made a portal "hey what are you doing with my pet" I heard a voice behind us and I turned around and saw swapfell "your pet..he is mine" I tell him and his eyes widen and I went through the portal with cross "I'm sorry cross" I told him and put him on the couch and sat next to him and he cuddled up to me and I put my arm around him "n-nightmare" he said and he sound like he just woke up "hm" I looked at him and his face was bright purple and he leaned closer "c-cross.." I said as I felt my face heat up and then cross kissed me and my face heated up more.I wrapped my arms around his waist and he wrapped his arms around my neck and then we parted and he looked like a grape and he hid his face with his scarf.
(Cross's pov)
I had kissed nightmare and now I am hidding my face "c-cross.." nightmare asked "h-huh" I looked at him and he hugged me curling his tentacles around me and he kissed my forehead "I l-love you c-cross" my face heated up alot "I-I love y-you to n-nightmare" I told him and he smiled a little and I nuzzled my face into his chest and I heard chuckling and so I looked up and saw horror,dust,and killer infront of us.I squeaked and hid my face with my scarf "guys what are you doing" nightmare asked them "watching you guys confess" they told him and I unhid my face a little "r-really g-guys" I said to them and they nodded and I growled.
Here guys have some fluff :3

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