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Cosima had once again become an assassin, or what many people feared, the Winter Soldier's partner. Stryker had retrieved the memory-wiping machine and began immediately. He could see a sudden change, and he began to experiment.

Soon, all Cosima knew was fighting, combat and everything to do with the subject. She began to go on missions, gathering information and people. She didn't think twice about anything, as Stryker had made her forget about second thoughts. He also made her forget Steve, Sam and Natasha, three of the people she held dear. She forgot most of the events of the Hydra and SHIELD helicarrier war. She forgot most other things bar the necessary, even feelings and emotions.

She was numb and hollow and had no meaning. 

The Maximoff twins began to feel sorry for her, and since Cosima had forgotten them, they all took a fresh start. They became friends, trained together and generally made each other stronger. Stryker called them his Death Squad, hoping that Wanda and Pietro would be able to go out on missions as well with Cosima too.

But that day would not come.

Because someone had located the Hydra facility much to Stryker's displeasure - the Avengers.

The Death Squad were eating in their shared lunch area, making some jokes that Cosima didn't find funny but laughed anyway. They were eating and chatting of past experiences, only Cosima had none to share.

Suddenly, Hydra agents stormed the place, taking all of them away from each other. Cosima didn't argue, but followed them as was the protocol for not getting hurt as much. Wanda and Pietro struggled a little before giving in. They went out one door whereas Cosima went out another.

Stryker met her. "Whatever happens Cosima, don't give in to SHIELD. They are monstrous and-"

"Ugly and play dirty. Don't give them information and stay loyal to Hydra."

Stryker was impressed. "I hope to see you soon, but if not, you have been my favourite experiment yet. Heil Hydra!" The soldiers around her yelled the same but she did not. She was not allowed to. "Take her to the secret room, lock her in the cell and leave," Stryker said to the guards beside her. They nodded before moving on.

Cosima had been shown the cell, but never put in it. It was behind a secret wall behind another secret wall. It was confusing, but it was in the case of an emergency that she needed protection from people. This was the time. They put restraints on her arms, legs and wings, hoping that if someone did find her, they'd never be able to get her out of the restraints. They locked them in, shut the door and left Cosima on her own. She sat, silent as a mouse, waiting for anybody to come and find her. 

She heard someone's voice over the loudspeaker. "Report to your stations immediately. This is not a drill. We are under attack. We are under attack!" 

Cosima didn't fear whatever force was coming her way because she knew she could handle it. She had been trained for such things. 

But she wasn't trained for the Avengers.

Cosima heard the endless gunfire from outside, and she wanted to help Hydra. But she couldn't. Not even she could get out of these restraints. She wasn't trained for these ones.


From being in the cell for twenty minutes, she finally heard someone walk in. She was still and silent. She didn't know who it was. This was Stryker's secret room where it took a push of a wall to enter. Another push on a wall in here would enable whoever was in the room to see Cosima.

It didn't feel like Stryker had entered the room. Cosima didn't panic.

"Yeah, hang on. There's something bigger," the person in the room said. It didn't sound like Stryker. It had to be the intruder. A little while later he spoke again, but Cosima felt another person's presence in the room. "Thor, I've got eyes on the prize." That's when it hit Cosima that these weren't just regular intruders: they were the Avengers. 

Then Cosima heard the sound of Wanda's ... magic. It seemed to go into whoever was in the room. Cosima thought she was a little safer. Cosima had also been trained to listen for the almost inaudible sound of Pietro's power. When he stopped after running incredibly fast, he made the tiniest sound. Cosima picked it up. Were the twins gonna stop whoever it was from taking her? Did they even know she was there?

"You just going to let them take it?" Pietro asked. It was like a whisper, but even from behind this wall Cosima had been trained to pick up the softest of noises.

Cosima didn't know what was taken, but then she heard something metal walk into the room. She heard the sound of Pietro run off with Wanda. Maybe they wouldn't find her here. Maybe she'd be safe. Maybe that's why they left.

"I'm sensing another air current from your right," a mechanical voice said. They were going to find her.

"Anything interesting inside?"

"I'm sensing a heat pattern. I think it's a person."

Footsteps sounded closer to where she was. She was going to pretend she was asleep. It was the best way. They wouldn't know otherwise. She put her head lop-sided. Light shone in on her face. They had found her. What was going to happen? Were they going to take her away? End her life because of all the things she had done?

"Uh, Cap," the man said.

"Yeah," came the response of the radio.

"You know the girl with wings and that metal arm?"

"What about her?"

"She's here. I'm sending you her coordinates. You can decide what to do with her."

Cosima's eyes shot open, looking to whoever her next captor was. "Oh goodness. She's alive," the man said, sounding panicked and sarcastic at the same time. 

"I'm not going to tell you anything," she said as she bit down on a pill under one of her teeth that would make her fall asleep for a while. She sunk back to the darkness she knew.

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