Perseus Jackson has serious mental issues

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Persassy: I changed my username!!

Kawaii_Chan: I'm scared

Persassy: Who is you

Owl_Head: It's LiLi

Kawaii_Chan: How did you...?

Owl_Head: I uh...

Diamond_girl: Hey

Iguana_boy: I also changed my username

Reynaispraetor: Hallo!

Fire_boy: Sup?

JasonisbetterthanPercy: Ha Ha!

Persassy: I dunt care! Persassy is so totes more sassy than Jason! *dramatic hair flip*

Kawaii_Chan: Now I'm extra scared

Persassy: Don't be scared girlfriend! It's okay!

Kawaii_Chan: *slowly backs away*

LaurLaur: LiLi?

Kawaii_Chan: Yes?

LaurLaur: Why is Nys on her bed under a "super scary" princess blanket, crying softly?

Kawaii_Chan: I bet she's reading a sad book or something

NysNys: How *sniffle* can you *sniffle* tell? *sniffle*

Kawaii_Chan: *raises eyebrow*

NysNys: Okay. I just finished the book tho

Kawaii_Chan: Whatever

Persassy: What book waz it, girlfriend?

Kawaii_Chan, NysNys, LaurLaur, and Owl_Head: Jackson!!

Persassy: Whaaaat? I'm just trying to live my life, girl!

Kawaii_Chan: You Perseus Jackson, have serious mental issues

Hehe that was funny. So if you guys want the OC's to come back make sure to comment. If you want me to add your OC then just comment that too! Peace out✌🏽 Byez!!

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