Family Feud??

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Devan: Lindsay

Lindsay: What?

Devan: Liv told me about what happened with Lillian

Lillian: You know, it's kinda hard to ignore you when you're texting on a FREAKING GROUP CHAT!!!!

Devan: Calm down

Lillian: When will you stupid people understand that calming down isn't as easy as it sounds?!

Lindsay: You just can't stand anyone being more powerful than you

Lillian: That's not true!

Lindsay: Why so defensive then?

Lillian: You've never fully seen my bad side. I wouldn't go any further in this if I were you

Lindsay: Talk all you want. I don't really believe you'd do anything to hurt me

Lillian: Then stop texting and come fight me yourself

Lindsay: Gladly

Lillian and Lindsay have left the chat

Jonah: Karsten

Karsten: Yah?

Jonah: Get the popcorn

Devan: Come on guys

Karsten: Hey, it's not like it's me or Jonah's girlfriend who's about to probably kill someone or get killed

Jonah: Yeah Devan. Plus, you're a Roman. Shouldn't you like gladiator fights?

Eliza: Jonah, stop stereotyping Devan

Devan: Thank you!

Liv: Guys...

Mak: Oh no

Liv: You saw that too right?

Mak: Yeah...

Devan: What is it?

Liv: It's...

Mak: Lillian and Lindsay

Liv: Lindsay seemed so angry...

Mak: Lillian too. She was just with me

Devan: Guys. We have to do something about this

Karsten: But who knows what'll happen if we get caught in their crossfire

Liv: He's right

Eliza: Maybe we should let them work it out

Jonah: But you see where that got them last time

Eliza: True...

Liv: Maybe I could try to reason with them

Karsten: I'm not so sure about that...

Mak: Guys, the more time we spend arguing, the less time we have to stop Lindsay and Lillian from tearing each other apart

Devan: I think it's a little too late for that

Liv: No

Eliza: We have to do something!

Devan: Once they start, it's nearly impossible to get them to stop

To see what happens next, make sure to read my new book, Tales of Three Demigods-Extras

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