Scariest god part 2

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LiLi: Nico...

Nico: What? Is there something wrong

LiLi: I...I...

Will: Stop!

Nico: Stop what?

Will: ...

Leo: How did this happen?

Piper: Dunno. All I do know, is that we should let them have their moment!

Nico: LiLi?

LiLi: No...I'll stop. I'll go away now

Will: Please do

Nico: No! I mean...

LiLi: ...

Nico: ...

LiLi has left the chat

Nico: Will

Will: Hm?

Nico: You don't have anything to say?

Will: No

Nico: Sometimes I wonder what goes through your mind

Will: Where's that coming from?

Nico: How could you be so oblivious?!

Will: What?

Nico: Forget it

Nico has left the chat

Will: What? What did I do?

Piper: Someone help me explain this

Percy: idk how

Hazel: Yeah...

Jason: It's beyond me

Annabeth: Mhm

Leo: Dunno 

Frank: Yeah...about that...

Piper: You guys are so helpful

Will: I'm still not quite getting this

Percy: Nico probably went to her cabin

Hazel: He probably felt bad...

Leo: Yeah um LiLi was the only one in there when we all went down to the forges so...

Will: Wait!

Piper: Let them go. It'll be ok

Will: What if it won't?

Piper: Then you can blame me for stopping you

Will: Ok...

I don't know...get ready for thissss


LiLi sat on her bed with her face in her hands. That's when Nico burst into the cabin. LiLi looked up, tears stung her eyes. "LiLi", Nico breathed. LiLi looked away. "Go away", she muttered. "I don't want you to see me like this." Nico stepped closer. "What did I say?" LiLi asked. "Leave me be. I want to be alone." Nico opened his mouth to speak, but closed it again. There was a moment of silence. "Why are you still here?" LiLi questioned. "It would be better if you left." Nico sighed. "Fine", he said. "I give up." He turned to leave. "Wait", LiLi said. "Please don't go..." Nico stopped. He turned around slowly. "I don't understand", LiLi muttered. "I don't understand myself. I can't let it go." "Let what go?" Nico asked. "It's nothing", LiLi replied. "I don't know how to explain myself." Nico couldn't speak. "You can leave now if you want", LiLi said. "I'll be okay." She looked up, giving him a forced smile. "I'll be okay", she repeated. Nico just stared. "Go on", LiLi sniffled, tears starting to run down her cheeks. "I can take care of myself." "I can't leave you by yourself", Nico said finally. "Being alone with your's not as good as it sounds." "Nico...What do you see when you look at me?" LiLi asked. Nico was startled by the question. "I see you", he replied. "And that's all. I don't see anyone else, because you aren't like anyone else." LiLi looked back down. "That's hard to believe", she said. "Why?" Nico asked. "Because", LiLi answered. "Most people think I'm a lost cause. There's no use in trying to ignore it when I know it's true. But you made me see something different. Thanks for that. I'll be okay. I promise. Please just go. I don't want to waste anymore of your time." "You aren't wasting me time", Nico said. "You have better things to do that deal with me", LiLi insisted. "Just go. I don't want you to see me like this." Nico, reluctantly, turned to leave again. Looking back once at LiLi, he left.


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