A game

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Lillian: Let's play a game!

Devan: What's your idea of a game? Killing things?

Lillian: HAHA no -_-

Lindsay: What game?

Lillian: A new game! It's where we pick a person and use one or two words to describe that person

Lindsay: I'm down

Karsten: Sounds fun

Devan: Yerp

Liv: I'll play

Eliza: Me too

Lyric: Me three!

Jonah: I'll play too

Lillian: Ok then! Let's start with Lindsay!

Eliza: Brave

Liv: Lovable

Karsten: Friendly

Lyric: Ambitious

Jonah: Better at playing the viola...

Lindsay: hA you know that's the truth

Lillian: Sweet like a cupcake

Devan: Absolutely beautiful ;)

Lindsay: Devan! >/////////<

Lillian: Oh my gods

Lyric: Deep breaths, Lillian. Deep breaths


Lyric: Don't worry, embrace your inter Kawaii~Chan

Lillian: Don't Aphmau reference in front of the nonbelievers!!

Lyric: Sorry...

Lillian: Anyway...Karsten next!

Lindsay: Hilarious

Eliza: What Lin said

Lyric: I agree with them

Devan: The best bro ever

Karsten: Yup

Lillian: Funny

Jonah: My fren

Karsten: Very original -_-

Liv: Cute

Karsten: *dies*

Liv: Hehe

Lindsay: Lillian next!

Lillian: YAY!

Liv: Being totally truthful rn, insane

Lillian: You know you are absolutely right

Karsten: Determined

Eliza: Stubborn as heck

Devan: Shortie

Lillian: HEY!

Devan: Jk. I'd say you're pretty badass

Excuse Devan's terrible language!! I so sorry!!

Lillian: He used a no no word but I feel forkin spedecial

Jonah: Fiery

Lyric: My Aphmau buddy

Lindsay: Wolf in sheep's clothing

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