Kiss, marry, kill

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LiLi: We doin that kiss, marry, kill crap everyone!

Nico: 🖕

LiLi: 😢

Will: *facepalm*

Jason: What...?

Percy: Annabeth!

Annabeth: Yes?

Percy: I think LiLi is trying to tell us something

Annabeth: That is...?

Percy: This is where she confesses her love for Nico


Percy: Oops


Piper: But what Percy said would be cute...

Will: No it wouldn't!

Nico: When will peoplez understand that I'm gay??????????

LiLi: Yeah so whose sticking around?

Leo: Bye

Will: I guess me...

Nico: Then me too

Percy: Mkay

Annabeth: I'm out

Frank: Hazel

Hazel: I'll stay in on this one

Frank: Suit yourself. I'm out

Jason: Bye

Piper: See ya

LiLi: That leaves me, Hazzy, Nico, Will, and Percy

Nico: Less people, faster this goes

LiLi: First round!

Kiss, marry, kill: Lance McClein, Keith Kogane, Takashi Shirogane

Nico: Kiss Keith, marry Lance, and kill Shiro

Will: Same

Hazel: Who are these people?

LiLi: Never mind. You don't have to do this one

Percy: Kiss Lance, marry Shiro, kill Keith

LiLi: Kiss Lance, marry Keith, kill Shiro

Percy: Next round!

Kiss, marry, kill: Will Solace, Leo Valdez, and Nico di Angelo

Will: This one's easy! Kiss myself, marry Nico, and kill Leo!

Leo: Not cool man. Kiss myself, kill Will AND Nico

Nico: What did I ever do to you?!

Leo: *looks at LiLi*

LiLi: Go die in a hole Leo

Nico: Well, I'd kiss myself, marry Will, and kill Leo

Hazel: Kiss Nico (on the cheek), marry Leo, kill Will

LiLi: My one...kill...everyone...

Percy: Answer honestly, LiLi


Percy: Sure

LiLi: *growls*

Percy: Nope I'm done. Leo!

Leo: *sigh* Calm down Li

LiLi: He got me started! How can I calm down?!

Leo: Don't make me come over there

LiLi: Fine!

Nico: Your answer...?

LiLi: I already answered. Do I have to repeat myself?

Will: Yes

Leo: Will! She's growling like a freaking dog over here!

Will: Not sorry

LiLi: I'm going to go over there and KILL you!

Nico: Calm down


Nico: Why do these things always end up hurting someone...?

Will: Don't tell me you feel bad Nico!

Nico: So what if I do?

Will: ...

Nico: Tell me Will, what is going to happen if I feel bad for a FRIEND?

LiLi: Everyone just shut up! I'm done with this

Hazel: LiLi...

LiLi has left the chat

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