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Reynaispraetor has created a group chat: The Romans

Reynaispraetor: Hello

FieryLiLi: Hai

Iguana_boy: Hey

Diamond_girl: Hello!

Lighningboy: Hey there!

FieryLiLi: I have the best idea!

Iguana_boy: Your ideas scare me...

FieryLiLi: And your face scares me

Lightningboy: That's not nice!

FieryLiLi: Sorry, I thought we were listing things that scared us. But my idea was we should play truth or dare! Also let's change our usernames so it's just our real names

Reyna: Done!

Frank: Me 2

Jason: Yep

Hazel: Meep

LiLi: Okie let's start! Jason! Truth or Dare.

Jason: Truth

LiLi: Who's a better friend: Leo or Percy?

Jason: I...uh...*dies because can't choose*

Frank: You killed him!

LiLi: Moving on! Hazel, you're turn!

Hazel: Reyna, Truth or Dare?

Reyna: Truth

Hazel: Who is your best friend?

Reyna: Idk

LiLi: Yo turn Frank!

Frank: Truth or Dare, LiLi

LiLi: Dare

Frank: I dare you to kiss Nico!!

LiLi: *dies of embarrassment*

That was kinda short. So yeah that was ToD with the Romans! Byez!!

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