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LiLi: Happy Thanksgiving!

Percy: It's that time already?! Who's going Black Friday shopping with me??

Leo: ME!

Annabeth: Happy Thanksgiving

Hazel: I love Thanksgiving! The food is great

Percy: Hazel, you have never said anything more agreeable

Jason: I gotta agree with that one

Piper: I'll pass on that turkey

Nico: Eh

Frank: Guys

Everyone: Yes?

Frank: I'm Canadian. Our Thanksgiving is in October

LiLi: I knew that!

Annabeth: So did I...

Percy: Oh.

Leo: Well...Happy belated Thanksgiving

Frank: *facepalm*

Happy Thanksgiving! I'm not excited cause we don't have the 'traditional' food on this day. We have some fake Chinese rise my aunt makes, and maybe some mashed potatoes. We probably will have more pork and chicken than turkey. On the bright side, I got three new books yesterday! I got The Red Pyramid, The Iron Trial, And Nightmares. The first two were hard cover and the last was a paperback. So at least I'm happy about that! But really, Happy Thanksgiving!

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