Do you even lift, bro?

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LiLi: Guys confuzzle me

Nico: That's good for you

Will: Be nice Nico

Nico: How can I be nice when she was just torturing me with skeleton puns!

LiLi: And then Leo and I started typing in Spanish and none of you objected. I don't think anyone got the last thing I said

Leo: You told me to shut up!

LiLi: And you called me an idiot

Will: Ha

LiLi: And this is why guys confuzzle me

Percy: I'm not confuzzling!

Annabeth: Those aren't even words

LiLi: Fine. You know what also confuses me?

Nico: What?

LiLi: How guys have an over obsession of going to the gym. Oh yes I need to get big muscles to get pretty girls! -_-

Percy: She just put every guy into words

Leo: That's some spooky a** sh*t right there

LiLi: Language

Leo: Nico and you both cuss. Why can't I ?!

LiLi: Cause. You're not an underage child

Leo: That makes no sense

Nico: It does to me!

Will: You aren't an underage child

Nico: And you're not a son of Apollo

LiLi: Heh

Nico: XD

LiLi: Wanna hear something weird?

Percy: What?

LiLi: I got this question. This great question someone asked me. They said, Do you even lift, bro?

Percy: Liiiieeeeesssss

LiLi: I ain't lyin!

Yes I am

Percy: Oh well. Do you even lift tho?

LiLi: No of course not!

Nico: Double Liiiieeeeesssss

LiLi: Shush Nico! I don't I swear!

Will: Hmmmm let's see

Leo: *confuzzled look*

LiLi: Stop taking me lingo!

Leo: The more important question! Nico, Do you even lift, bro?

Nico: Um no...

LiLi: Triple Liiiieeeeesssss

Will: I Can back that one up! He does!

LiLi: But instead of pretty girls, he once guys

Will: It already worked

LiLi: Will, go sh*t your pants. That's not what I meant

Nico: Li, stop being such a f**king underage child. And no I don't go to the gym

Leo: Quadruple Liiiieeeeesssss

LiLi: Wait! Percy, Do you even lift, bro?

Percy: Ask Annie she knows

Annabeth: Yes he does now bye

LiLi: And she disappears. Again

Nico: We still haven't got an answer from you, Li

LiLi: It's not like I would either way tho

Leo: Stop lying Li

LiLi: I'm not lying

Nico: I saw you

LiLi: Sh*t

Nico: Haha

Leo: Oh well now we know that you both go to the gym

Nico: Double sh*t

Oh well look at Nico and LiLi be underage children

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