Santa Claus is a stalker

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Percy: Well duh

Frank: Have you guys ever thought about Santa?

Jason: What do you mean?

Frank: Sneaking down a chimney? Breaking in and entering?

Piper: Oh. Like he's sees you when your sleeping...that IS kind of scary

Frank: Exactly

Annabeth: It all would technically be considered a crime

Hazel: This is starting to creep me out

Leo: So we've come to a conclusion that Santa is a stalker?

Jason: Pretty much

Percy: Do you guys seriously still believe in Santa?

Leo: We're children of gods for crying out loud. Why SHOULDN'T we believe in Santa?

Annabeth: Because we aren't little kids, Leo

Leo: Good point

Hazel: I might be with Leo on this one

Frank: Eh. We are offspring "mythological" beings I wouldn't be surprised if Santa was real too

Piper: Either way, we can all agree on one thing

Everyone: Santa Claus is a stalker

Santa: You all are getting coal this year

Percy: O.o

Jason: Nope! I'm out!

Frank: Freaky

Santa: Haha

Annabeth: Guys calm down. It's just Leo

Santa: Come on!

Percy: That wasn't funny man

Santa: Yes it was >:)

YAY! I seriously am bored. Tell me what you want for Christmas in the comments! First person to guess my favorite Christmas song gets a prize

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