Halloween costumes

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Percy: What's everyone being for Halloween?

LiLi: I bet I could guess everyone's right now

Nico: Go ahead

LiLi: Reyna's Wonder Woman, Percy is Flounder, Annabeth is Ariel, Nico wants to be Rainbow Dash But instead he settles with Batman, Will is Robin, Jason is Super Man, while Piper is Super Girl, Hazel goes as Rapunzel, Frank is Pascal, Leo goes as a slice of Pizza, and Calypso doesn't want to be around Leo while he's dressed like that so she doesn't go at all

Reyna: I wasn't planning on telling anyone

Percy: I'm starting to question this kid

LiLi: Did I get it right?

Annabeth: You sure you're not a child of Athena?

LiLi: Minerva's a maiden goddess, remember?

Annabeth: Yep

Hazel: That's scary

Leo: How did you know...?

Frank: She honestly can't be serious

LiLi: I am. I just know stuff

Nico: Will! She's onto us!

Will: Shhhhhh!

LiLi: And I thought I was weird

Piper: Jason

Jason: Yes?

Piper: I think LiLi can read minds

Jason: And I think pigs can fly

LiLi: I'm not sure if that's an insult towards Piper, or me...

Nico: XD

Leo: What are you doing for Halloween Li?

LiLi: I don't do Halloween

Piper: Not going to pry at that subject...Anyhoo! Anyone wanna play a game

Nico: Not The keyboard game!

Everyone: Yeah

Piper: A new game. Any ideas?

LiLi: Nope

Jason: I got one! Hang Man!

Leo: Nope. Let's make puns!

Everyone: No! They're just as bad as haikus!

LiLi: Awe! But puns are me and Leo's specialty!

Leo: Well, no game

Jason: How's life?

LiLi: It's meh. This kid who probably likes me doesn't wont to even talk to me anymore. Man I thought he was my friend! I wouldn't want to be my friend if I flat out rejected myself but...I did it in a nice way!

Piper: You need love advice?

LiLi: I don't need a boyfriend!

Piper: I bet he's cute

Nico: Why are you even talking about this?

LiLi: Jason asked how life was, I answered

Jason: She's not wrong

LiLi: Reminds me of a song

Will: No!

LiLi: Why do you all question my singing abilities?!

Frank: Dunno. I mean I've heard you sing before

Reyna: Most of us Romans have

Leo: When?

LiLi: Dinner and whatnot

Annabeth: Why do you question her anyway?

Will: It seems fitting

LiLi: -_-

Will: What? I'm telling the truth!

Nico: I don't know. Don't judge a book by its cover

LiLi: Did you really think I was gonna cut off my hair? Well you're wrong. Never judge a book by its cover

Percy: Those videos are so cringy!

LiLi: Ikr!

Leo: Sure. Totally

LiLi: Back to the main focus of this conversation, why do you question my singing? It's not like I sound like Jason

Jason: Hey!

Piper: It's true...

LiLi: Haha!

Jason: Shut up!

Go follow the account I made for Nico. itsyadeathfarts And don't forget to ask questions for Q & A session for my ocs. Bai!

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