The fangirls

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Leo: I have a challenge!

Percy: Ooooh challenge

Leo: Stop being sarcastic

Percy: Stop telling me what to do

Nico: You two, shut up

LiLi: No cursing please. We are family friendly

Nico: Who told you that? You can't even be family friendly!

LiLi: You've got a point

Leo: Back to my challenge! Nico and Percy. We must see who has the most fangirls!

Jason: What about me?

Leo: You don't have any

LiLi: Well I don't really know about thaaaat. Idk if demiiboyy counts cause they is not technically a girl

Leo: Well Jason, at least you've got one, but. Moving on!

LiLi: Wow Leo. You gonna skip over me fren like dat. I beat chu up

Annabeth: First of all, why are you texting like that?! And second, calm down

Frank: What about my fangirls?

LiLi: Not many, but I know a few

Percy: I bet I have the most fangirls!

Leo: Lies! My fangirls outrank yours by a gazillion

Nico: You both are wrong. I've got the most fangirls

LiLi: I'd have to agree with Neeks. He's also got that fanboy over there. Mr. Solace. Yep. Total fanboy

Will: Shut. Up

Nico: LiLi don't say anything. Other than the fact I've got more fangirls than Percy and Leo

Leo: Nuuuuu!! My fangirls could stampede yours

Nico: My fangirls could beat yours up

LiLi: He's right

Will: Get away from my boyfriend

LiLi: The fact that you two are sitting right next to each other texting...

Will: How did you know...Wtf?! Get out the window!!

LiLi: Oops

Nico: What were you doing there?!

LiLi: I was walking to the back of the cabins to pull a prank, and then I saw you two were making out and...

Nico: You decided to take a picture for blackmail purposes. I suppose you want me to shadow travel you to McDonald's now

Will: What's he talking about?

LiLi: hehe. I remember that. I won't pay you back if you take me tho

Nico: *facepalm* you're imposible

LiLi: Eh. That's what I do


Nico: Shut up!

I don't think they would remember. When Laurel and Holly took a picture of Will and Nico making out and used it to get McDonald's. Those were the days.

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